Automatic tilt steering column CJ7-81"


New member
Hi guys,
I need to repair or replace my Automatic tilt steering column from my CJ7. I try to adjust the torx head fasteners the secure the lower tilt housing to the column but I think that the housing base are damage.
I tighten them but isn't work. they adjust to the fastener but the housing still moving like a swivel tool.
Some one have the experience in that kind of issue.
How to repair the base or maybe swap to chevy stering column...

Need Help!!!


Chevy column would be the easiest swap to find.
any really from a car or truck, the van ones won't work. just find one with a column shift, regardless of the yea rmake model, you will have to probably re-pin the ignition harness. you can also use a YJ column. most chevy, dodge and jeeps in the 70's and 80's used the same saginaw columns.
I only mentioned these because CJ with auto shift column and tilt will be hard to find simply because their were less of them.