ATTN: Mass-holes, another event ~ to go and represent

pic your jeep

About the 14, i'm gonna have to wait and give everybody an answer like a week before because $hit keeps changing.

See, Joe doesnt want to come (he just doesnt understand yet). I don't think I am comfortable to come by myself, so Gina is the next best friend, and we all know Gina so it wouldnt be bad. In a nut shell I am waiting to see what Gina wants to do.
Back from an awsome trip......PICS are up!

About toxic turtle: Its just wrong to place ads on a message board (and thats what his "message" was.) Is there anyway we can delete that message? I'm insulted and offended.

He can try and pass himself off as someone who is just offering us environmental friendly (and legal) places to offroad, but the bottom line is that he wants us to join his $40 a year club.

My response: No thanks...I like doing it underground. :twisted:
johnny7point0 said:
About toxic turtle: Its just wrong to place ads on a message board (and thats what his "message" was.) Is there anyway we can delete that message? I'm insulted and offended.

He can try and pass himself off as someone who is just offering us environmental friendly (and legal) places to offroad, but the bottom line is that he wants us to join his $40 a year club.

My response: No thanks...I like doing it underground. :twisted:

First off.... I could care less if you join any club or not. What I REALLY care about is what "doing it underground" does to my rights to 4 wheel on open public property and what it does to the efforts being done by quite a few responsible 4WD enthusiasts throughout New England. Every time anyone goes wheeling in a place that is closed or open only to quads and mx bikes, or on construction sites or on private property withOUT permission, you make those of us working to keep OUR lands open that much harder, you make getting private property open to organized clubs that much harder. You might say.. "well, we've never been caught" Every time you take your Jeep off pavement, it leaves tire tracks. If truck tire tracks aren't supposed to be there then, there is evidence of someone obviously doing what is "wrong" or illegal. Then, when someone from Baystate Jeepers (you know... the organized club that is taking your money to attend the Jeep Rally) tries to get a landowner in eastern MA to open up some land to organized wheeling, they may think twice or not at all because "4WD truck drivers are irresponsible, lawbreaking, kids; don't want em on my land...."

I'm not trying to sell club dues... I AM trying to sell the idea of responsible off highway driving and unless you have specific permission from those landowners whose land you are wheeling on, or know for sure that an area is open, public property, you are not responsible.

So, as sure as I saw your posts, there are "green lurkers" on these boards as well. Don't even think that they aren't using stuff said here against us. The states have people monitoring 4 wd sites... do they check them every day... I doubt it, maybe a couple times a month if they're lucky... BUT... they're still trying to keep an eye on things. I have been working in 4WD land use related areas for over 15 years and so have many of the other regional association board members... That includes clubs like... Patriot Jeepers, Long Island Off Road, Eastern 4 Wheelers, New England 4 Wheelers, Baystate Jeepers, JonFund, Deep Woods Extreme, Vermont Expedition Society,NEOW, Hudson Valley 4WD, NEA4WDC, EC4WDA, etc. Those folks don't like they're work being scrapped either just because someone can't understand the need for organized 4x4 clubs or someone who thinks that promoting organized 4WD recreation is an insult and needs to be deleted... so what if you don't care about getting a $70 tresspassing ticket... maybe there are others who read this who do care and they KNOW the importance of organized 4WD recreation.
Whatever path you choose, know that you aren't alone and that after a few tresspassing tickets and those misdemeanors on your record, you might change your tune.

For those who see that I am not some magic potion salesman, please don't hesitate to pose any questions in a mature fashion. Afterall, if you get ticketed with someone who doesn't care... ask them if they'll pay your ticket too.
For those who think that maybe I am a snake charmer trying to get your cash don't visit any sites I'm related to, try or and check out their land use pages... You might see what I'm talking about.

Till next time......
johnny7point0 said:
About toxic turtle: Its just wrong to place ads on a message board

What was that big black and red thing posted at the begining of this thread?

Insulting? Should that be deleted too? Afterall... they're just looking to get your ten dollars. Part of the money is going to another 4WD association. :roll:

Talk soon,

Toxic Turtle,

I sincerly appreciate the information that you have presented, But I think you are slightly misguided in your intent. I, personally, do not travel Off-road illegally, nor did any members in our recent outing. In fact while we were out, we were met by a very instructional and informative enviromental officer who accually commended us on our collective knowledge about the tread lightly progam and perserving/protecting the enviroment. I aggree whole-heartedly about some people illegally wheeling in private property, construction areas.

As for promoting clubs, please do so! It is exactly what we have been doing,(boston jeepers and creepers) I personally have been in comunication with a number of massachusetts based 4wd clubs, including "baystate jeepers", "mass mudders", "patriot jeepers" etc, I have also been in contact with the north east association of 4wd clubs in order to get our club recognized.

I think something that was not stated was that the fees that most people pay to a 4wd club does not go into anyones pocket rather is used to lobby for land usage, perserve the land, and protect it. I once went on a trip with a fellow jeeper from a massachusetts club, and the whole point behind the trip was to clean up trash and debris from the irresponsible. Even the "underground" wheeler should take it upon themselves to clean the land, I know when we went on our trip a couple weeks ago, I made it a point to emphasize to others going that everyone bring a trash bag to clean as we went. always leave with more than you went with!

Again thank you for the info, I sincerely understand your point of view as well as that of the opposing party, When the land in conn. is opened to the public, I would like to be right behind you spotting your trail.

I think the conspiracy theory about big brother watching us always was a bit far, now I am afraid to go the bathroom! JK needed some humor!

Anyway, Im not going to let someone hijack this message board.

Laura: If you want someone to go with on Sunday, Im willing to meet you somewhere...maybe half way...and we can go together. Me and my buddy will be leaving here around 11am-ish. (he doesnt own a Jeep...he'll be riding shotgun with me).

Or maybe we can coordinate a meeting place at the Rally?

Does anyone else want to meet up and leave together...or coordinate a meeting place at the Rally???

Just so you all know, I work nights and dont usually wake up until around an early morning departure is out of the question for me.
tires "jumping" in hard turns

Toxic Turtle

Again thanks, here is the stuff I told you about





ToxicTurtle, I appriciate the advice. I contacted MPD before we did any offroading that day (not that it makes a differance). About that place in Pembroke that was just waiting to get closed, the ATV tear it up back there...and they still do. I was down there yesterday, there must have been 5 quads, and 3 dirt bikes.

I dont think its the Jeepers that ruin it.

johnny7point0, OK, F Gina, if she comes she comes if not, then ohwell...I will just have to sing alot by myself in the car, or someting. Malden/Marshfield, half way....I dont know; Quincy?

Should we all go together? It would be way cooler. Ray, John, Adam, Dave what are your plans? Are you guys going to John's the night before, I mean.

I wont bail again.
LauraBoston said:
ToxicTurtle, I appriciate the advice. I contacted MPD before we did any offroading that day (not that it makes a differance). About that place in Pembroke that was just waiting to get closed, the ATV tear it up back there...and they still do. I was down there yesterday, there must have been 5 quads, and 3 dirt bikes.

I dont think its the Jeepers that ruin it.

OK, I'll be short here... honest, I'll try real hard.... :D I in no means mean to steal this thread, if better to take to another new one by all means, let me know ASAP.

It DOES make every difference that you contacted MPD before going in there... its actions like that, that build community trust and that helps when trying to accomplish anything within the town, such as a poker run or a food drive or a Toys for Tots run, Adopt-A-Road...etc. having the town behind you is VERY important. Good work! 8)

It isn't any one group that ruins any particular place. It is irresponsible use of lands that aren't ours or improper use of lands that are.

I do sincerely appologize for implying that your most recent run was done irresponsibly. With the use of the internet being probably the most popular way to communicate and find fellow wheelers, it is all to common to find many planning trips and events that are "illegal". It is NOT their intent to be but not having any connections or strong knowledge of what is or is not legal is what causes this. I truly am trying to help.
I am glad my "advise" is appreciated. :wink: Thanx!

As always, any questions, please ask!

Talk soon,

No the 13th-14th. We don't have to come to my place, if yall want to meet up on sunday, lets plan on where and when.


If we get a good place to wheel on Saturday, we should I was thinking I have a question ToxicTurtle, Do you know any places we can go? Rhode Island or NH, Northern CT. You would know what 'Land to Use', right?
I like the idea of wheeling on Saturday, having a social gathering at Johnnys on Saturday night and then leaving together on Sunday morning.

The question is: who else likes that plan?

Hey what the hell, maybe I will show up to this "Johnny" characters house! I heard he is a real ass though!! Devilishly handsom but an ass!!


But I want to reiderate, we have to move things inside if we are too loud cause there are infants in the neighborhood and I don't want to make enemies of my neighbors!


PS email me for directions and I will email you back. unless we figure out where we want to go on sat, then never mind
Hey All!

I've been away for a while, no computer on the Cape! I still plan on going to the Rally on the 14th. I will look for you all there and I have some of your cell #rs if I can't find you. Sorry I can't go wheelin on Saturday or partying Sat night, but I will see you all on Sunday. I will watch this board to see if you all decide to make a time and place to meet. :) I'll bring the digital camera again as I see you all are enjoying my pics! Too bad I can't figure out how to post them or make an Avator or signature... I guess us old folk are less computer literate!

P.S. Toxic Turtle, thanks for your advice. We strive to keep it legal and did have a very friendly meeting with the Environmental Police in Marshfeild that day on Public Land.
See ya there Adam!

Just to give you an idea of the distance, it is about a hour ride from wakefield to shrewsbury, a bit longer for those south of town and a little closer for the bostonians only cause route 90 is right there.

Directions seem pretty simple, but for those who want to know more about where it is being held, the address is:

Herbert's Candy Mansion
575 Hartford Turnpike
(route 20)
Shrewsbury ma

Thanks to my friends over at baystate jeepers for getting me that address!!

Just take the pike (rt90) to exit 12-rt9 and it is about two miles from there on rt 20.

Mapquest will give you a better idea than I can!
See ya all there!
