ATTN: Mass-holes, another event ~ to go and represent


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Check it out, I am in, I think 88wrangler (ray is driving up), BostonJeep (Dave) and Lauraboston (ahh.. laura) are in!

Here is the info

Email me

Tammy and I will be there too. Maybe we will get some good ideas on how to further build my 95 YJ!!! See you all there. I'll burn the AVI and photos from our trip onto CDs to give to you then for someone to use on a website. Cool a car show of just Jeeps, I am wicked psyched!
I'll be there. And I convinced two of my buddies to come along too.

I'm not going to enter The Juice (thats the name of my Jeep) into the show...but I'll be there to enjoy the eye candy and to meet some fellow mass-holes.

i'm in, we are gonna have to go wheelin saturday though so we can show our true colors as we did this past weekend!!!!

88WRANGRED said:
i'm in, we are gonna have to go wheelin saturday though so we can show our true colors as we did this past weekend!!!!


I'm actually leaving work now and going down there to see if the puddles are still there, and then in that back trail to see if it has dried up any. I hear that at the end of that trail is a river...although I didnt know a river runs through Pembroke, but we will see.
Front piston seal replaced

do I smell another mass-hole offroading trip???

That would be great to make a weekend out of it. Riding on Saturday, going to the rally on Sunday. hmmm.

Where would we all stay?? well shrewsburry is not that bad of a haul from me and the broads crib (I have been asked by the broad to no longer call it my crib cause it is both of ours sheesh) You guys, all of ya are welcome to come to my place saturday night and stay here, my house is kinda messy cause we still have not unpacked, but hell, bring a sleeping bag, I have plenty of space, plenty of couches. Saturday night we can have a little BBQ, and a beer or two (you know how I drink) Then head to the show on sunday!

A Jeep sleep over! I call top bunk!!

jps4jeep, sure about that? That could be one drunkin' night!

This is my favorite; Super Troopers!

Oh yeah, puddles are still there but really small, good thing is rain in the forecast, and that back trail is still just as deep.

Jps4Jeep, two questions:

1. are you still in Wakefield?

2. how many guests can we bring?

when, where, how many :lol: :lol: :lol: FUN, JEEP, BEVERAGES, PARTY
sounds good where do i sign, do i need to fill out a waiver? just in case. maybe my friend will come up with me and bring his jeep.

lemme know,

don't know bout sleep overs, my g/f only lives about 25 min from shrewsbury. but we'll see maybe i can talk her into it.

Remember, some of us werent there for the first trip and really want to experience it (that being me and purplygrl).

But, I am willing to go somewhere else if you all dont want to go back to Marshfield.
Marshfield is ok with me...I live here...actually, Christine came down before the 23rd and we did some wheelin togethere.

I didnt know what everybody else wanted to do...

I'v got bad news :cry: . I went back to Pemboke today to see the puddles...well looks like somebody got wind that people are wheelin back there. There are signs at the entrance that say "NO ATV or Motorbikes allowed" Then I drove down to the entrance...and on ALL the light poles there are "No Trespassing" signs. We can bring some wire cutters and cut them all off, and tie a tow stap to the other signs and pull them out, or just not go down there.
Any one can come. I know I am not the closest to shrewsbury, but If someone else wants to offer, by all means go ahead.

I really don't care how many come, I would like to keep it below 30 people, and we would have to move the festivities indoors at about 11:00 cause there is a newborn across the street (Common curtousy) but bostonjeep will tell ya, The basement is a good size, and I got fus-ball!

As long as my place doesn't get trashed I don't care, only rule is no smoking inside! and no sleeping in my bed unless you want to earn it!!

If some one else that lives closer to shrewsbury wants to step up, I there.

As for wheeling, there is a place in revere that is super muddy, but No stocker swould make it! I get stuck with 33's. My friend (who might be coming) has 31's with front and rear lockers and got stuck a couple of times. But I am looking around!

it sounds like we aren't gonna go wheelin :cry: , hey maybe i'll actually have my jeep clean b4 the jeep rally!! who knows. good news today my mom is an office manager in fairfield, and the guy next door to her has an off road shop. he mostly works on Rovers, but there is one guy in the shop who specializes in jeeps. he is supposedly buying 1000, yup 1000 acres of land to turn into an off road park :shock: :shock: i'm gonna go down and talk to him and see what info i can get from him to put something together, but i don't know when.
jps4jeep said:
...only sleeping in my bed unless you want to earn it!!

and how would one do that? lets be raunchy about it.

I'm not going to be able to make it. I'm sorry I cant meet the Juice.
So, Pembroke and Revere are out of the question and Laura can't make it. Does this mean that we're gonna skip wheelin on the 13th and simply all meet up on the 14th at the Rally???

ps. 88WRANGRED, be sure to keep us posted about that potential off road park!

Hi Guys and gals, my name is Dave Brill, I am the Land Use chair for several national and regional 4x4 organizations. Looks like a great group of "New Englanders" hanging out here. My first BIG suggestion... get intouch with a club. I would suggest our own, but there are quite a few throughout New England. Main reason... illegal wheeling. Based on some of the posts I've seen on this and other boards, folks like you get together online and don't have any other connections to who, what or where to go in the "wheeling" community. So, you did what all of us (well most) did... go to the local muddy spots. 8) Unfortunately, it isn't so cool in today's times and circumstances. There are environmental groups everywhere looking for reasons to keep us off public lands (that includes old town roads) being somehwere that isn't "open" is a lot of ammunition for them, even if you don't get "caught", you are leaving evidence of you being there.... solution...? Join a club... for example, by joining any one of the East Coast 4WD Assn clubs here in New England, you immediately open yourself up to several clubs that wheel anywhere from NJ to NH and with the number of clubs we have, there is something going nearly every weekend. We have access to over 2000 acres on 6 different pieces of property, plus we have the knowledge of what is and isn't open to the public. There is an awful lot going on here in New England and we the organized 4 wheeling community would really like to you get off on the right track.

I am working closely with the person trying to develop the OHV park in CT. The initial property is only 240 acres... not 1000 (that would be fabulous but we're not that lucky... :cry: ) We are working with the state and federal grant funds to see what we can do. You will be kept posted of how we are making progress. His hopes are to be open within a year... lets keep our fingers crossed!!
If any of you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to ask.
I hope we can be of assistance. 8)
Talk soon,