asking for a little Jeepz support


New member
This came in my e-mail and I thought you all might want to help, too.
Thanks for taking a minute to provide some hope in what can feel like a hopeless situation.
ps- this is mudwoman- I was just too lazy to log out and log in!

Hey y'all,
Someone just sent this to me and wanted to pass it along:

Rebekah Tauber is a 15 year old from Houston who is presently undergoing
cancer treatment. She is a fierce Christian who attends Memorial High
School. Rebekah is wearing a "prayer pager" (1-800-250-6939) that is being
sponsored by Second Baptist Church in Houston.

Please take a minute out of your busy day to say a quick prayer for Rebekah,
her family and her doctors asking for God's guiding hand to be with them
through this ordeal and then call the toll free number (1-800-250-6939). It
will vibrate letting Rebekah know that someone has prayed on her behalf.


I checked this out at Snopes and it is 100% legit! When you call the number
a woman's voice will ask you for your zip code. You enter it, hit # and
Rebekah's beeper goes off letting her know she's being prayed for. How
cool is that!!!!!!!!!!!!

RE: Fog lites for a TJ

That is one of the most wonderfull get well cards I have ever been a part of. I did pray for her and I did call. Thanks momma mud for letting me know about this chance to help! tug

RE: Front axle posi-lok system???

mud4feet said:
cool is that!!!!!!!!!!!!

Awesome. I hope it encourages that young girl to hold true to her faith and her family as well.