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Is this worth getting?

How much is a broken axle to fix and how often does it break


  • image-2070222127.png
    77.1 KB · Views: 277

thats not covering you axle, its covering your driveshaft. no idea on your other questions though, never broke those parts
Yes, armor is worth getting, often before most other modifications.

As for fixing broken parts, helps to know what Jeep you have. Consider completing the jeep info in your profile so it shows up above each post you make.
if you do not wheel, armor is a waste, it will decrease your milage and will be about as pointless as wiping your arse before you pooh.

secret to fixing axles is to build them right the first time, then you won't have to fix them.

when I had a D30, I would pop shafts left and right and I doubt I paid more than $20 for a complete shaft with a Useable joint out of a junk yard.

The question how often it breaks : Well it depends on how hard you wheel your rig . I've been wheeling over 30 years and broke 1 axle , I do run some pretty extreme trails here In Colorado , No 2 people drive exactly alike on the trails it depends on there pucker factor, as for price to repair nothing on a jeep is cheep! also every break has different components that break , another thing it depends on what axle your talking about . Armor is always worth getting saves oil pans , tranys , transfer cases , fuel tanks ect under the belly of the jeep , I also armor the body to protect from the occasional scrape up against a rock or tree or light roll , Everyone's different on how they build their rig some are anal and some don't care .
hope this answers your questions since they were kinda vague
Well if you live in the north and your not driving off road don't get the armor. All it does is collect road salt and speed the rusting process!

gennybro said:
Scubadude when are ya gonna get a jeep? Hope its soon. till then ,stay on line and keep on learning.


Are you calling me dumb?

Yes I don't know a driveshaft from an axle, But everyone in my family drive Lexus and BMW so I was never really in a position to learn.

I will be getting a jeep when I move back to the states.

And I have learned a lot about jeeps so thanks everyone.
I don't think he was calling you dumb at all... I learned pretty quickly here not to try to put a tone to typed letters. We're all friends here!
Also, here's a little picture to help you out.

My family all drives Lexus's and other luxury cars as well, so I'm the only Jeeper, luckily I have a grandfather who is incredibly mechanically inclined, and has done quite a few frame off restorations throughout the years, for both cars and airplanes. Without him I also would have no idea between the drivetrain and axles.

I apologize for the sloppiness! I did it on my little iPhone screen haha


  • image-168181752.png
    107.8 KB · Views: 216
Not at all.Some times I think your stuff is a little off the wall,but it seems to get good responses,and I'm learning from it to.It dosent matter what I or anyone else thinks,As long as your post succeed in getting the job done,and that is to get educated about the vechicle you wish to have.

Thanks I was never really insulted just kidding around. But now I am really happy, I think i will smile all day! thanks for the great advice, I hope to eventually know a lot more than I do now about jeeps. I just failed a research paper cause it was supposed to be about war time successes and failures and I wrote the whole thing about how much jeeps made a difference, My teacher was impressed with the research skills I put forward, but said i failed to fully grasp the question, and my thesis was an epic fail in comparison to what I actually wrote. Oh well!!!