Are we in China? The USSR? What the...

RE: headers

hmmmm good call sully... i like tc's saurians judges and sullys last comments, they make a lot of sense and put a lot of bull into reality for those that dont understand that this country has gotten to touchy about perfect equality, oversensitive about safety, and super concerned with altering substances. you know, if you cant sit still in class, you deserve a warning, if you back talk your parents you deserve a whooping, and if you cant get it up, then you dont need a pill that keeps you up for multiple hours. there are natural process and cycles in life that usually work themselves out eventually. i think there is a scientific law that explains this kind of. the law of conservation of matter states taht matter cannot be created nor destroyed. newtons first law also states that a projectile will continue on its intended path unless an outside force acts upon it. these are both easily adapted to real life and both make sense
sorry for all that, i just cant believe what this country is coming too. anyone read Brave New World by Aldous Huxley? if you havent you need to read it, the kind of stuff thats going on now will ultimatley lead to what that book describes. it is an amazingly compelling work
RE: Re: The Wheelers Prayer

anyone read Brave New World by Aldous Huxley? if you havent you need to read it, the kind of stuff thats going on now will ultimatley lead to what that book describes. it is an amazingly compelling work

Animal Farm is another good one.

RE: A girl without her Jeep

That is a good book...
Well one could argue that there are legitimate cases out there. I might agree to that, but I wouldn't consider drugging a kid (or adult) unless there were some extreme needs for it. Just like most things, it is misused, misunderstood, and children pay the price.

Brave New World is a good book, although back when I read it I never thought it was such a prophesy :( and so is animal farm.

Saurian I applaud your Mother's efforts to fight the system. Fear of having a battle like that is a major reason we homeschool our kids. My oldest is all boy and I wouldn't have him any other way ;)
RE: Re: The Wheelers Prayer

Trust me, I am most grateful for that... She did the same with my brother too, kinda nice to know that we didn't just fall through the cracks...

Wish I was up north, a nice midnight mudding trip is what I need...

RE: Re: RE: My belated Christmas (pics)!

Alrite i gotta put my two cents in with everyone else's. Here's my out look on it. First yes these kids need to be punished because I assure you they meant to scare the kid, maybe wouldn't consider doing it, but serious enough to scare someone. I doubt that hauling them off in cuffs is the way I would do it but I bet it taught them not to screw around like that again. Now I truly enjoy my freedom. I'll do anything to protect it. However, I dont see this (cops arresting kids) as a threat to our freedom. This is the result of Columbine, and all of the copy cats and bomb threats and such, that make people so scared. School officials feel they need to do something serious nowadays to make students, and parents, feel safe in their school. I admit it's a little extreme, but when kids carried knives around school it was something everyone did. Now, and I'm still in high school, it doesnt happen. So when one kid comes in threatening with a weapon, or even not threatening, its pretty serious. Just my two, or ten, cents worth.
There's a difference between taking them down to the station in cuffs, and actually charging them with felonies .

A federal crime? WHAT CRIME!?!??!?!?!?!?!
Ever seen a plane land on a Jeep?

Perhaps the most ridiculous thing I have seen in quite sometime. Cuffing and then hauling away 9 and 10 years old for drawing a picture? So sad. And it also shows that our scholastic system isnt doing its job either, just look at that artwork, horrible!

New jeep owner!

_(OIIIIO)_Jeeper said:
Saurian said:
Wish I was up north, a nice midnight mudding trip is what I need...

When did they move Michigan? How far south did ya go?

Hee hee... Michigan didn't move, but I would rather be up in the tip/UP than metro detroit anyway...
laneiac said:
And it also shows that our scholastic system isnt doing its job either, just look at that artwork, horrible!

Owww!!!!! Hot coffee through my nose!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

When I was in school, nobody had even heard of ADD/ADHD. Those kids that couldn't keep their mouth shut, or couldn't stay in their chairs were paddled by the teacher or the principal. As for me, I got paddled a few times because I was bored, much like Saurian. I remember at the beginning of my 6th grade year, they passed out the math workbooks, the english workbooks, the spelling workbooks, the science workbooks, the social studies workbooks and the history workbooks on the first day of class. 2 weeks later, I had done every page in the workbooks and was bored....that meant bigtime trouble was about to begin! I'd get in trouble, the teacher would paddle me, then the principal would paddle me, and when I got home, my parents would take the belt to me. I'm not a mass murderer. I'm not locked up in a nuthouse because of repressed memories. I don't bear any psychological scars. I think I turned out pretty darn well. I say bring back corporal punishment and get America's youth straightened out in the schools and in the home right now!!

One incident "sticks" in my mind: it was around 3rd or 4th grade in my music class. I had one of those little rubber suction cup dart pistols, and was shooting the girls in the front row while the teacher was conducting a song. One shot went wild, launched over the front row right at the teacher. She was standing in front of the class holding her music up in front of her face singing with us. When she lowered the music, the dart was stuck firmly to the center of one lens on her glasses! It's hard to force yourself to cry when being paddled when you're still laughing your arse off!! 15 years later when she retired, I went to her retirement party and gave her one of those guns. She started laughing so hard when she opened it, we thought she'd have a stroke!!

Now, you can't even draw a picture of a gun in school, much less take a toy gun with you. We always played cops and robbers, or cowboys and indians with toy guns at recess. Last year, a 1st or 2nd grade student in the Wichita school district was expelled for one year for drawing a picture of a gun.......yeah, they'd probably put him in jail if he'd also drawn bullets to go in it, but since it wasn't a picture of a loaded gun, they let him off easy.