New member
during the summer, i was having a problem with the jeep not starting for me now and then... and it is starting it again... it would always happen when the jeep was warm... it never happened after sitting a while. it would never stall after it has been running, only would not start for me now and then... it definetely seems to be a fuel related problem, much like if i was very very low on gas... crank crank crank brrrrrrrr bup bup... then it will run for about 5 seconds... then start burping for about 20 seconds.. then completely stall... then the second attempt will only give me a few burps... then maybe two... then will just crank and crank and crank with nothing... trouble code 51 always shows up.... lean O2 reading... this could be a bad sensor not reading what is actually coming through, assuming a lean mixture, and supplying TOO much fuel, and flooding it..... or could it be a good sensor reading a bad fuel system? when the jeep sits for about a half hour, i can start it right up with no trouble what-so-ever... that kinda leads me to the assumtion that it is the sensor causing flooding, then by sitting, it always starts up for me....
it doesn't do it all the time... but... it usually does give me a rough idle for about 2 seconds after it idles down from its initial rev... if i keep the rpms up, it can usually stay running... but there are the times it just dies out and leaves me in the parking lot for a half hour or more...
it doesn't do it all the time... but... it usually does give me a rough idle for about 2 seconds after it idles down from its initial rev... if i keep the rpms up, it can usually stay running... but there are the times it just dies out and leaves me in the parking lot for a half hour or more...