Anyone else stuck at home?

I guess it's not just me who is stuck at home, but I can that he feels much bored than I do. :lol:


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Well we had an active robins nest outside our garage door and on top of the power meter.

Eggs hatched a week ago and today the last baby flew away.

Never look down on anyone unless you are helping them up - Jesse Jackson

My company has told me to work from home for the next two weeks...

How are you guys holding up?
Anyone gone back yet?
We have 20% back not everyday and not all day.

Never look down on anyone unless you are helping them up - Jesse Jackson
one of my dogs has a problem with his jowls getting inflamed, his cheeks and his lower jaw. Ive been taking him to the vet about every 6 weeks for a shot for itch at a 100 dollars a shot. They told me they could do an allergy test for 500 dollars. That's not happening right away. I have bee useing hydrocortozone to help relieve the itch. But his jowls are still red, anybody have any ideas.
It drives him crazy n I feel so sorry for him, If I can not find a cure another 100 is coming out of my pocket, this sucks.
Any toot issue or abscess? Quarantine him from roaming. Keep clean fresh water in drinking bowl. Wash his face daily esp. before coming in for the night.


Never look down on anybody unless you're helping them up. -Jesse Jackson
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No abscess, licking and nibleing on paws. Going to start useing neosporin today, see what happens
Well maybe he is stepping in something. Bothers his feet so he licks it off. My dog licks paws after every bath.
No tic?

Im no vet but owned pets trough my life.

Never look down on anyone unless you are helping them up - Jesse Jackson
one of my dogs has a problem with his jowls getting inflamed, his cheeks and his lower jaw. Ive been taking him to the vet about every 6 weeks for a shot for itch at a 100 dollars a shot. They told me they could do an allergy test for 500 dollars. That's not happening right away. I have bee useing hydrocortozone to help relieve the itch. But his jowls are still red, anybody have any ideas.
It drives him crazy n I feel so sorry for him, If I can not find a cure another 100 is coming out of my pocket, this sucks.

Are you in the south? Fire Ants? Toxic toads? Poor puppers :(

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Good point!!
Don’t rule out bee sting, spider bite.

Never look down on anyone unless you are helping them up - Jesse Jackson
I'm in va, he's allergick to something. His brother doesnt have the problem. They are from the same litter. They are on an acre and a half of fenced in property, all lawn. Just got to bear with it and try different approaches to the issue. Thanks for the input.
Jake is going to go get a shot tomorrow, he's got dry skin on top of the jowls problem. It's dipping into My Wicked fund and I don't like it .
Comparing the 2 dogs, huh. They are oppisite in not only mental but physical also, crazy. Jake is the all balls drunken red neck that well take anything on. Buzz is the neurotic hippy That's an escape artist and dictator over jake. At 2 months old, he climbed a 4 ft high stacked wood, and got wedged in between the top of the wood pile and sheetmetal covering it. Totally blew me away, that little dog did that.

A determined dog can do a lot. I bought my first mobile home back in the 70s for $300. As you can imagine it needed a lot of work. I was friendly with a neighbor's dog who decided to come visit me while I was repairing the roof. My ladder was too short to reach the roof so the dog only made it to the top of the ladder. Unable to get past the dog I had to jump off the roof and then climb the ladder to get him down.
It amazes me what a dog can do. I seen a police dog video of dog training,. The dog was blind folded walking on 2 parralel ropes, then told to turn around and come back to the starting point.