Any sites for beginners?


New member

I am in A technical school now for automecahnics and im really trying to study this and get it.. A lot i've heard is just hands on learning.... But i'd really like to study up on all what you guys are talking about Jus lookin' for helpful sites.> Neither of my parents know anything about a car.. So I'm sorta on my own...

Any help would be nice :) thanks. And I'd much rather go off-roadin' then street race... Tried my hands at a little of both :)

Well welcome to you fido! Here at jeepz you will find a bunch of very knowledgable men and women that are all ways ready to answer your questions and advise you in any way that they can. I think I speak for all here on this point but at least you have my limited knowledge base to call up on at any time. AgainWelcome to the play ground tug

Go to car shows, hang out at part stores, be very friendly with your mechanic, read lots of magazines, and books on autos, ask lots of questions, If you want a LOT of hands on learning, buy a jeep! Ask away.

If you have the ability to understand simple mechanics, lots of general purpose knowledge about Autos will just come to ya!

If you think engine building is confusing, wait till you have to dial in a cam and set the lashing, I have seen this done soo many times and I still can't get it right!