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Inspector-Gadget said:This is all BS!
Why aren't you guys helping Special_K, instead of humoring him?
You all know better!
Because Gadget is highly trained, he recognizes all the early symptoms of "Jeepervitis." I have seen it happen many times. Sadly, too many times.
First one Jeep, and everything is cool. Then, it slowly creeps up on you and takes over -- creeping in as if on cat's feet: a second Jeep.
Insidious, it is terminal Jeepervitis.
If Special_K keeps the second Jeep, I give him another year. It takes about that long for Jeepervitis to take hold. In another year, being the owner of two Jeeps, Special_K will live in a house like this:
ROFLMAO!!!!! X 2
Gadet those are hilarious!! Never mind Jeepervitis, I just about died laughing when I saw the "redneck highrise" and then the boat right after it...then the bride and kid. I definitely DO NOT want that condition. :shock: By the way, I think a couple of the people who have left messages about the Jeep sould like they might be in that Mudpit Sporting photo.

Thanks for the laugh...I needed that. :lol: :lol: