Whatch out for this JEEP after midnight!

oh man, that stuff makes me mad!! If I had one of those go through one of my 44's, I'd probably go hunt down every single tree-hugging hippie I could find...
HAHA, I just noticed under "Other Tire Flattening Methods" they say that sedans have 30" tires!! And pickups have 34's??? Looks like they need to do some more "research"
Where to even begin?!? I am all for the preservation of nature, being both a former Boy Scout, and having 11 acres of untouched swamp and mud that I treasure more than anything, but this is just freaking sick...

Firstly, we evil 4X4ers do, for the most part, tread lightly. Yeah, when I am at my property, if I see a washed out mudhole in the 2 track, I am gonna hit it at full speed and get some good roostertails going. But I'll be the one right out there the next morning with a shovel correcting the reason it flooded in the first place. If I am not on my private property, I treat the land with respect... The hills and bumps are plenty for me, I don't need to be running over trees and flattening turtles to get my jeep jollies...

Secondly, I love this... It's evil to make a road to get somewhere, but it is perfectly acceptable to destroy the property of others by stabbing spikes through their tires, destroying roads, slashing sidewalls, planting caltrops, and creating some seriously hazardous situations... At 3:00 in the morning, off-roading in the middle of the woods, I do not expect to run over a spike in a logging road. Should this happen, I doubt very much that I would "harmlessly come to a stop", but rather probably be involved in a loss-of-control accident, resulting in injury for friends and family alike, nevermind myself, or vehicle... But that's OK, because we protected the leaves from being run over... If not for the maze of access roads that permeate the unpaved, I don't even want to think about how many people could die in the woods because nobody could get to them...

I hate hypocrites more than anything... Yeah, we slashed a $300.00 set of tires, but that's OK, because now they won't be out on a trail designed for them to be on... :evil: :evil: :evil:

Saurian said:
I hate hypocrites more than anything... Yeah, we slashed a $300.00 set of tires, but that's OK, because now they won't be out on a trail designed for them to be on... :evil: :evil: :evil:

Good point. I wonder if they actually think we won't just go out and buy another set of tires? Maybe they think we'll just through the vehicle away and quit doing what we love because we got a flat tire :roll:
Off road vehicle scum? Makes me want to run over a pansy :x

I know who those guys are voting for :roll: :lol:
Who the h*** are these people??? Tell 'em to come to the Carolina mountains. It's amazing what 2 100-year storms will do to the landscape. Yeah, we may rut-em-up a bit, but in the end, Mother Nature always wins. These folks need to get a life.

Somebody could really get hurt on an ATV if somebody did that. It is a shame they care more about the land than somebodys life.
AHHHHHhhhhhh, I see you all found my website. What do y'all think? Hahahahaa.

LOL, I'm sure you all know that these people are to hippies like the KKK is to rednecks.... an extreme bastardization.

Really, that crap is ridiculous, and I'd have a hard time not sticking a 3.5 shell up there you know whats if they did that to my vehicle. Please don't lump those pieces of s*%@ into the "liberal" category.
LOL, I'm sure you all know that these people are to hippies like the KKK is to rednecks.... an extreme bastardization.

Alright, Mingez!!!! Defend the hippies!!!! What'd we ever do to anybody, anyway????
Peace, Love, Dove!!
jeepguy46176 said:
Somebody could really get hurt on an ATV if somebody did that. It is a shame they care more about the land than somebodys life.
my sentiments exactly. some environmental rights groups are even worse, i didnt read that whole thing so i dont know if this idea is in there, but basically what they do....

....is spike trees, so that when a logging crew comes in it messes up their machinery. what they dont take into account is that if a saw catches a spike the right way, it will sent it flying like a bullet, and loggers have died from this. and if they arent hurt there, the spikes can also cause damage when the logs are brought to be cut down to boards.

i'm all for not being cruel to animals, and protecting the environment, but when did all that become more important than a human being? especially one who is trying to make a living?
Suppose your neighborhood is infested with off-road vehicle scum, or you chance upon an unattended muscle wagon where it shouldn't be. A quick slash job is in order.

wow this is really low, like ultra hippy low, dont they realize that more people than just atv's and jeeps go on these trailes, tell me a damn piece of rebar with a point like they illustrate wouldnt puncture someones foot. i hope there arent many of these people cuz i want bush to win.

currupt4130 said:
Suppose your neighborhood is infested with off-road vehicle scum, or you chance upon an unattended muscle wagon where it shouldn't be. A quick slash job is in order.

wow this is really low, like ultra hippy low..........

Man, what's with the hippie bashing?? These people aren't hippies, the ijuts!!
I'd love to see these guys try some of this stuff around my home town (I don't live there anymore). Best case scenario they get beat to a pulp and left for dead, best case scenario they disappear..... Country people don't like being told what to do on their own land. These tree huggers and PETA types best stay in California with all the other freaks.
wm69 said:
I'd love to see these guys try some of this stuff around my home town (I don't live there anymore). Best case scenario they get beat to a pulp and left for dead, best case scenario they disappear..... Country people don't like being told what to do on their own land....

You got that right!!!!

[quote/]...... These tree huggers and PETA types best stay in California with all the other freaks.[/quote]

What was that Tug said about kickin' a hornet's nest??? This should bring some response from our western brothers/sisters!!!!!! :lol:

Yeah, I kicked it, just couldn't resist....... :D