A girl without her Jeep


New member
RE: suspension

Pray with me that the body repair shop has my Jeep ready Friday in the a.m. or there will be a news break on my local news station at 12 Noon. lol

They have had the thing the whole $@#! week just to replace those parts from the deer incident. I called today to check on it and they had quoted me FOUR days, ending this afternoon. When I took it in, they said it would not be longer unless they notified me.

So, when I called to check on it this morning she spits out "MONDAY" in her response. I sarcastically laughed and (was really thinking-your dead meat woman) said "Umm, you said four days and you haven't notified me of any problems".

She says "let me put you on hold and check" then "oh, they just have to put it back together again and they are shooting for today but it will probably be tomorrow".

HELLO? :shock: :shock: Am I the only one that is seeing a big difference between today, tomorrow, and NEXT MONDAY????

Gawd I hate dealing with people sometimes. I wish I could be self sufficient and move to an island in the south pacific. Oh and I wish that I hadn't quit smoking this week too. lol

Thanks for listening to my 5 O Clock Vent!


Well that just plain sucks now dont it?

Cheer up, you can rant and rave with your jeepz buddies until it gets your jeep gets back!

Some people are idiots and always need to be led by the hand. Hope the jeep gets back soon.
RE: rear end

Dont move to the islands to get away from that. My company does a bunch of work in Puerto Rico and they move sloooooow there. For example, if you got a 4 day quote on Monday you might expect to get your stuff in ohhh July. Although with the weather so nice in those places noone really minds too much. Damn I miss the sun.

What...you actually thought they were telling the truth about "4 Days"! You are missing the mathmatical solution that applies here:
when you are waiting for the work: 4 days means 6-10 days(providing no complications) :roll:
when YOU are performing the work for someone: 4 days means within 24 hrs (no excuses!) :shock:

Now doesn't it make sense now! :D

But Good LUCK tomorrow Lady!
Body shops are the worst, Lady! You might show them the article about the Jeep employee in Toledo who went ballistic and shot a few people - tell them that's how passionate Jeep people are...........maybe that'll speed 'em up a bit! At any rate, good luck and hope you get the TJ back soon!
Nothing makes me testier than when my Jeep is getting serviced... Especially since I'm usually stuck borrowinf my brother's '86 Cutlass to get me by... Yeah, don't like that one bit... Hang in there, soon your Jeep will be back with ya.

some pics of the stuff on

LadyJeepFreak said:
Gawd I hate dealing with people sometimes. I wish I could be self sufficient and move to an island in the south pacific. Oh and I wish that I hadn't quit smoking this week too. lol

Tommorow I will post a special picture you warm you up.

RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Frankiefire

Whatcha going to post me Sully? I think I need it, I swear my right big toe has hypothermia and is going to fall off! lol It's darn cold!

Accident, I'm sorry to hear that. I know I shouldn't complain.

Update-Now thier story is they didn't realize that the jeep needed a new headlight and they are waiting on a headlight bezel from the dealer (2 blocks away). If it comes in this afternoon it will be done, otherwise it won't. The body work itself is done.

I knew it needed a bezel before it went in the shop, they didn't find it until final inspection after the body work was done. Not very observant I'd say.

So, we'll see. I should know by 4 p.m.

TFI is it all it is cracked up to be?

Good News!!

It wasn't without pain but I have my JEEP back! I can't even tell you the story of what I went through to get it today but it was nasty. :shock:

It got all fixed and cleaned up too, seems like a new jeepy! YAY !!!

Here is what I got for you.


Hope you enjoy.
RE: chop off

If it makes you feel any better lady, same thing happened to me when I painted my XJ Orange. They quoted me 5 days, and kept it for 2 weeks. 2 freaking weeks! I still get angry thinking about it.
RE: Using Disconnects

Once they have you they have you! Contractors will tell you what ever you want to hear and then do what ever they want too. Lawyers do wonders for contractor problems! they hate em! tug

RE: Re: RE: Career Change? Any of you do it?

Sully you ain't right :lol:
RE: help me eyeball this ebay jeep!

Well i'm glad you got your jeep back there. I know the feeling of not being able to drive your baby :( i got my licence suspended for 3 months (origionally 4 but i wrote in and complained so they knocked off a month) i'm sure you can understand how painfull it is to see a jeep in your driveway and not beable to drive even just around the block in it. :cry: 57 days down 34 to go