A/C question


New member

I know it's not really needed but it really would be nice. when I turn the knob to my ac it clicks like its turning on but does nothing. I've never even used it before today and was a little puzzled. What settings do i have to have it on??? vent, cool, fan???[addsig]


i would just take the top off, and convert the AC pump to an air compressor[addsig]


I know it's not really needed but it really would be nice. when I turn the knob to my ac it clicks like its turning on but does nothing. I've never even used it before today and was a little puzzled. What settings do i have to have it on??? vent, cool, fan???

For your Cold air, it should go to 'cool' and turn your fan on.
Topless is Cool, but chics think ac is Cold without messing
their hair on the way to dinner, or her place. ;-)

Get's hotter than hell here in Texas. Use your AC!
Keeps things cool, until it's time to sweat.[addsig]