A/C Leak


New member
RE: Re: RE: which Junkyard "car" seats fit YJs?

I have a 98 jeep Cherokee and my A/C has a leak. I have to charge it about every two weeks. I checked everywhere under the hood and the condensor in the front grill and no signs of bubbles or oily spots. I'm thinking it is the evaporator that is leaking. I am assuming this is under the dash and a real pain to get to. Any advice would help. I would think the leak should be noticable since it leaks out in two weeks? :evil:

I have personal experience with a crappy A/C setup in my 00 XJ, but I haven't found the slow leak. I'd try spending the extra buck or two for the UV tracer stuff next time you charge it. Then you can use the black light or whatever it is to be sure you don't have an under hood leak before you tear into your dash.
RE: this may be normal...but

I had a leak in my ZJ's A/C system a while back. I even used my neighbor's refridgerant sniffer (he's an HVAC dude). No sign of a leak.
Then one day I replaced the water pump and hoses. The bypass hose is a PIA to get to uness you move the compressor but as I moved the compressor, UV dye started coming from one of the hose connections. Turns out, the o-rings were shot. New one's from the Stealership and my once a month leak is now once every 2 years. Still leaks somewhere, but its not as bad.
I too have had AC woes with my 2000 XJ. Until last month. I paid (twice) to have it looked at and recharged, both times it began short cycling and finally lost the charge in a few weeks. Both places told me there was no leak. The firat place dyed the freon but no trace of a leak. I too suspected the evaporator, but in a desperate attempt to avoid that dash-removing, ugly task I bought a can of refridgerant that had compressor oil and stop leak all in one can. Cost me about $20. It's been almost a month, I've used it every day, and it's cold as can be. No short cycling.

It may go again, but this is the longest it has worked. We shall see. If it fails I'll post up, but for under $20 you might want to give it a shot. I think the brand was interdynamics??? I bought it at Autozone.

Good luck fellow XJ A/C system victims :)

RE: New shocks but...steering linkage - leaking lube

It sounds like Jeep had a bad run of evaporators :(

Leak sealer with dye is a good idea, it does not hurt the compressor as far as I know. When it does contact air it hardens and makes a seal. When I install some for buddies, I always flush my guages with normal R134a afterwards.

Hope It works out for all of you.