98 GC Laredo.. Blower problems


New member
I had the jeep checked out at a garage.. The blower has completly stoped working.. They said either the resistor or the switches because the blower worked excelent when they hooked it straight to the power.. Changed both of these and spent like 300 bucks and the d*** thing still dont work... Any Ideas???

Ahhmm, if you took it to a shop and they mis-diagnosed an inop blower and still charged you 300 buckaroo's , i'd be all over the manager of that shop telling them to fix it for free or they'll be hearing from my Lawyer.
well see they told me what it could be and i bought and changed the parts myself.. and still was out 300.. :( i dunno

i dont know buddy whatever is from the factory. grandcherokee 4.0
There are two directions this could go on the diagnostics and wiring diagram. Does the A/C control have an electronic display or is it just knobs that you turn?