96 Jeep Cherokee runs fine then rough, then fine

im having a simalar problem the jeep will start run until i come to stop sign or stop light stalls out it has never done this before ,it started around the time the jeep overheated and i have been having this problem ever since
Hey Andy ! Welcome to Jeepz.com :welcome: When you get some time , please complete your profile as far as your " JEEP DETAILS " . It helps us to research what your jeep is equipped with , I.E. , what engine , trans , t-case , final drive , ecm or PCM , etc. . Hoping your problem isn't severe but we would like to know a bit about your overheat . Hoping there isn't a problem like a cracked cylinder head that is causing loss of compression . I don't like to be the bearer of bad news but proper diagnostics are always in order. You'll want to start with a compression test o find out the condition of your engine first. All the checks like fuel system , ignition , ecm or PCM , sensors , electrical system etc. , won't help if the engine has a problem . I'd say start there and go from that . If compression checks out , you can start simple with things like the thermostat , condition of the water pump and coolant , coolant temp sensor and wiring , trouble codes , etc. .
Theres a long list but I think its best to start from the inside out . If the jeep ran fine up to the point that it overheated , we have somewhere to start. But I always insist that its important to know the engine's health . Overheats are bad and we always hope it did not cause damage.
Lets not assume anything as that is what causes items to get overlooked and the cause not found. Let's not assume the worst either. Inspection is where to start. We emphasize checking electrical connections ( power and ground ) in all parts of the electrical system but first we need to know your jeep engines present condition . It will take you some time but its best to know the facts without guessing or assuming. Thank you for your membership and thank you for choosing Jeepz.com . Best of luck to you and let's focus on the positive , it'll run good again, just needs some work thrown at it . Sometimes that means money too. Greg

I have just read this entire thread like it was the best dang book... i have a 96 grand Cherokee with the 5.2 L and it has the run like shit switch... and has no codes to boot

I've replaced will all mopar parts
distributor cap and button
plug wires
idle control motor
cleaned up all wires around battery
fuel filter
cleaned tb
replaced all vacuum lines
replace oil pressure sensor/gauge

replaced the map sensor with a aftermarket one and truck freaked out throwing high voltage to map sensor code. i put the old one back on

jeep runs strong idles great and then she starts to idle up and down for a couple min. then a hissing sound near the charcoal box starts and the motor struggles to keep running all the while the sound gets louder and louder and will eventually die unless i throttle her up and keep her alive through the spell... then its like nothing happened.
sometimes while accelerating the motor will sputter a little like it has loss of power but then wont do that for the rest of the day.

any advice would be great

all new vacuum lines could it be the motor that the lines run through? in the morning i will recheck all those line and be extra shure
Vac leak.

Take a can of TB/carb cleaner and spray where you hear the his from. If the engine idle changed you found the issue.

Check other connections as well.

Did you clean the IAC with. The TB?
Are connections to the IAC and TPS clean and tight?
yes everything on tb is super clean. and i have been over all the lines with a spray... however when i get close to the charcoal canister i believe the spray gets in the the cold air filter and gives me false results. it just idles ruff for a little while and then when first started then acts like nothing is wrong for the rest of the day. i was just trying to show the problem to a buddy of mine and we cant find where the leak is. i'm about to redo everything in the way of vacuum connections again but i need to find a diagram for this motor in case i'm missing anything.
the vacuum on my wife's completely restored 94 5.2l is way different than my 96 5.2l
im sure my truck being obd2 calls for a little bit different set up than hers however a good diagram is hard to come by

If it stops when it was up be sure all is snugged down. Like plugs. TB

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