OK....I'm back.....

I have been very busy with kids and work. Jeep has been at the bottom of my driveway.....it started out of nowhere and I just moved it to the top of the driveway so i can work on it. I left it there for another week.
It has been started two times since with absolutely nothing else changing or being worked on. It runs still at an idle and from time to time drops below normal idle but corrects itself but keeps running.
Tonight was Jeep night.......I started the jeep and let it run for 15 minutes with no issues. I began to look for a possible wire issue moving all wires around by the coil and distributor. Two times the jeep cut out and stalled when moving the wires. I thought I had the problem solved. So, i took all harnesses and tape off of wires to rule out one by one. With the jeep running once again, I began to move and bend wires looking for the bad one. The jeep never stalled again?????? Wholly crap!!!
I decided to replace the pick up cable (under distributor) and Air intake sensor on throttle body and restarted jeep. Let the jeep run and advancing the idle above 2000 RPMs so AIT sensor would reset.
The jeep came back down to a smooth idle where I let it run again for another 10 minutes with no issues.
Jeep seemed to be running fine and smooth. I decided to take it out for a spin. I drove around the block several time keeping it very slow and smooth....never went above 3rd gear. Never jumped on it and raced it. It ran great!!!!! So, I decided to jump on it a little bit......From the start, it jumped off the line, when I switched into 2nd gear it started to buck and hesitate. Moving into 3rd gear it was hesitating and bucking bad. I turned the corner and the jeep cut out again. I quickly pulled over and tried to start it again.....it did the same thing.....would keep turning over and would not start....had to leave it on a neighborhood road...
Very difficult issue.......does anyone have any ideas?