89 Islander Lift

Bill M

New member
My son has an 89 Islander and is thinking about lifting it a couple of inches. The budget is tight and the jeep is only driven on the road. Any words of advice?

Avoid longer shackles, look to a full-length add-a-leaf kit or make your own using 2 used front leaf packs. Cut the spring eyes off and use the top 2 longest leaves of each pack, adding 1 leaf to each of your current packs. Adds about 1.5" without stiffening the ride, and no other mods needed.

TJ flares also work well to clear larger tires.
89 YJ... thats a daily driver. I would suggest avoiding a lift for now, and take what ever funds are available and look into some type of fuel injection. a lifted jeep might look great, but when it runs like crap because of the plethora of broken vacuum lines and crappy carb, kinda money wasted. there are a number of EIF kits, some are very affordable that use a chevy TBI set up, I know a number of people that run this with great success. PLus EFI will really wake up the 258.
Thanks for the answers. The Jeep is setup with a MC2100 so only a couple of vacuum lines and it runs pretty well. Will the TJ style flares let him put a little larger tire on when the time comes? The flares on it are pretty sad and could stand to be replaced, two birds one stone?

yes. TJ flares will allow for at least a 1 inch tire increase.

I run a 3" spring lift and TJ flares and fit a 36" tire on my YJ, with out those flares, I was limited to a 34" tire.