73 jeep rebuild 13


New member
ignition wiring
green to coil neg
red to ignition on ignition switch and i on solenoid and pos on coil
white to s on solenoid and start on ignition switch
black purple and orange to distributor

voltage regulator
yellow spliced into red at ignition pole on ignition switch
black to field on alt
grey to r on alt
green to ground on alt

i got a motor craft distributor
do i need a resistor or ballast resistor

did i do anything wrong


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It sounds like it is ok. I would put a fuse from the ignition switch to coil, and one for the alt and turn the key on and look for smoke, then try to start. If you have points ignition you need a ballast, but the type of coil you use will dictate if you need a external ballast or not. Some coils have built in ballasts and dont require external ballasts. It should say on the side of your coil "external ballast required" or "no ballast required". With a points ignition, you can not feed the points constant 12volts, the ballast drops it down to around 9 volts. If the points get constant 12v, it will burn your points up fairly fast (few weeks) and fry your coil. If the writing on you coil is rubbed off, you can turn the key on or start it and feel the sides of your coil, it will get pretty hot if you need one (like almost cant keep your hand on it hot), just slightly warm if you dont. If you have electronic ignition, then no ballast is needed.