4x4 light inop


New member
Has anyone had their 4x4 lamp on the dashboard go out? When I switch into 4X4 it feels like it's locking, but my light does not come on. Everything else on the dash works. I did check the fuses, but maybe I need to recheck. Any help? Take Care, KJ

what year? on my jeep there is a vacuum switch on mounted on the firewall that has a vac line running to it, i think on newer jeep it is mounted right on the vac pump on the front diff
98 XJ. I will have to look. So are you saying it could be something more than just a bulb/fuse or connection? I hope not too serious. Thanks, KJ

jakbob said:
maybe just the light is out...if you can take off the dash you could find out...
Check for a vacuum disconnect on the front axle, if you have one then it's likely it's not working properly.

No vacuum disconnect means the 4wd light switch on the transfer case has likely gone bad.
Ok, I have to admit, I am no mechanic. I guess I am clueless when it comes to mechanic talk. I looked for a vacuum disconnect on the front axle, but I am not quite sure what I am looking for. I drove the XJ in 4H tonight around the block and it seemed very grindy, if I can call it that, especially when I tried to turn. It almost felt like my wheels were having a problem aligning or grabbing the road the way I wanted them to go. I then took my TJ out and did the same route and I couldn't tell the difference when I switched to 4H. Is there a difference in the vehicles or is the XJ (98) doing something it shouldn't be? They both have 3" suspension lifts on them but the XJ just seems really hesitant. I can even feel it in 2W at times. Thanks for any help. I love Jeeps but I can't claim I know much about them. KJ
what do you mean "feel it in 2WD"? and when you say your tires having a problem aligning, are they the front or back?

The wheels feel like they are slipping when I turn, or they are not grabbing the road. I know that doesn't make sense, but I can't come up with a word that truly describes it. That's what I meant by not aligning with the road. The XJ slightly jumps forward when I try to turn in 4H. I don't feel anything wrong with the rear wheels only the front. I hope this describes it a little better. I think I may have to have someone experienced with 4x4 to drive it to diagnose it. Thanks, KJ
well when you put your jeep in 4wd, the front diff normally locks up..hence the grabbing when you make the turn...both wheels are trying to turn at different speeds and thats what causes the slipping/grabbing...my advice, check the light, and do some googling to find where the vacuum disconnect would be, and check that and the light....