26 tooth speedo gear short shaft for TJ

It's generally best forum etiquette to introduce yourself and/or become a contributing member of a forum before posting stuff for sale, especially pimping Ebay auctions.

$50? Really? These go for $15-$25 all day at most retailers and speedo shops.
Sorry about the etiquette didn't know I was suppose to do that first. I have gone to several speedo shops and all they can get is 26 with long shafts. Part number 52067626 if you order from the dealer will get you a 26 long shaft which will cost you 26.00 than you have to buy a short shaft gear for another 26.00 or distroy yours and put the short shaft into the 26 gear. Just trying to help out other jeep people that are having the same problem I went through.
No problem, it's not a 'rule', just etiquette. Again, welcome to the Z, stick around and check things out. Good luck with your auction.