2004 unlimited automatic transmission issue

Not sure this will help, but we ran into an issue this weekend with a friend's 2004 Wrangler. It would not shift out of Park. We popped the cover and discovered the push button on the T handle was not depressing the rod far enouch to allow the the pin to go far enough to get out of park. When we manually pressed down on the pin, it would move out of park and then could be moved from Drive to Neutral to Reverse, but would not go into Second or Park.

Pull the cover and see if the pin is being depressed far enough to get past the notch to get into Second. My Son-in-law's father is a Master Tech who worked on Jeeps for years, and I consulted him on the problem, and he said sometimes you just have to give the T handle a good whack with your fist to ensure it's seated all the way. Apparently they are just attached by friction, and can gradually work there way up on the shaft. If it's not seated all the way, the internat push rod will not depress the pin far enough to get it past the larger notches.

BTW, this did not fix my friends problem, so we think something broke inside the T handle and it's restricting the amount the button can be depressed which in-turn is preventing the rod from fully depressing the pin that releases the shift mechinism.
Hard shifts on an automatic trans. could be caused by a debris caught up on the accumulator piston and got partially stuck. Another thing to consider is a trans. flush , it may or may not help but it's a start. The accumulator inside an automatic trans is like a shock absorber on your suspension. The accumulator is a piston with a sealthat has a spring load under the cup. It absorbs most of the shift change under hydraulic pressure. In some cases, it could be also a software induced hardshift. In this case, you would have to go to a dealer and see if there is any related software updates that would cure this issue.