Hi..I have only had my jeep for 6 months. I have already had to put quite a bit into it. Today it was $108 for pinion seal..then was told it needs rear differential bearing...is it normal for them to cost this much to keep running???
How used or abused or neglected the vehicle is will usually depend on how much you put in it. Also when your paying a shop that will make it cost quite a but more. My dads new to him yj has less than a $100 into it since he got it, last year. My tj on the other hand it would be easier to make a list of what I haven't fixed replaced upgraded or repaired. But the guy I got it off used it as a third or fourth vehicle, only putting around 4k a year on where I'm more like 18k. So I knew going in I was going to be putting money into it.
Agree with the above, depends on how the previous owner or owners have treated it. My friend got a 94 yj about a year ago, looks great BUT the PO let it sit beside his barn for about the last 5 years he had it, WE REPLACED A LOT.
Thank you for your replies! It's looking like the previous owner didn't do any regular upkeep or maintenance...just what he had to. I guess it's true....it ain't cheap to drive a jeep!