2003 Jeepz.com Trail Week


To all those in the Northeast that connot make the trip.

Nate (Dingus), Graewulf (Joe), and myself, as well as a few friends around here in and around southeast Pennsylvania head up to a park outside of Hazleton,PA. We go the second weekend of the month, and have a blast. The Park is called Paragon Adventure Park and I suggest you check it out.

Paragon web site

We could all meet there one weekend. It's a great place to wheel, and it's not expensive. Get a couple of rooms, and have a blast.

Just let me get through this Tennesse week first lol and I'll start working on it...any takers ?

By the way, as I believe I read once in a post before, if you can't make Tennesse, you can always have a Jeepz trail ride in your neck of the woods, just find members in your area, and talk it up.

Tennesse was the site this year (the first) due to it being central to all who showed interest in attending. (Next year I'm gonna push for Paragon lol). Keep in mind that I'll plan one for next year (assuming this one goes well lol) so put on your thinking caps, get out there and hunt some good trails, and let me know where you all want to go.

I'll be starting on the next one soon after I get back from this years as it takes awhile to get the particulers in order. Keep your eyes open for the posts and when they appear, let me know your thoughts.

Rob :p :cool: :) [addsig]

Allright, I've gotten some responses and it looks like a good group is getting together. I will piriodicaly reply to this post to keep it up front. If you have any questions, you can reply or email me.

Rob :p :cool: :) [addsig]


i think if rob keeps planning all these trips we're gonna have to give him the title "events and activities coordinator" LOL

-nate [addsig]

I think it would be be a blast no matter where you all got together. Maybe I'll get to see some of you this summer if any of you venture way up here to my neck of the woods. o well got to go work on the lift, see you all so. :cool: [addsig]

What if your a minor and would like to attend? No chance of the parentals tagging along, lol-just be me and my buddy from northern california in the YJ![addsig]


There is a minor section on the waiver, just have your Parents and his parents sign the forms (you each need one). This applies to ALL minors, even your own kids (for those who have them) Seperate waivers, one for each person in your group.Also, make sure your YJ conforms to the rules and regs. :)

Rob :p :cool: :) [addsig]

I live in NC its a very short trip prbly an hour and a half. we might make it but im not sure yet :cool: [addsig]

ODAX time is hard to come by and your just to close to not be here for at least a day or two of the week. Plan to come to at least a portion of the trip that goes for any of us. A week is really a bunch of time to get off all at once so come for what ever part of the week that you can. Tug[addsig]


we have my son to thank for that post ...........we are trying to plan it, lot going on this early summer............odax :-D [addsig]

Any questions can be emailed to me, or you can IM me at PASmokeater at AOL, Yahoo, or MSN. I'm usually on between 5 and 10 o'clock pm E.S.T..


:p :cool: :)

edited by: PASmokeater, May 05, 2003 - 06:35 PM[addsig]