2.5 L vs 4L


New member
What's the difference? Yes i know power but how much power? I'm lookin' at YJ's and am deciding between the two... I'm going to throw 35"s and prolly a 6" lift... 4-6 What ever I feel after i get it.. And Im curious how much of a power difference/gas mileage difference there is between a 4L and a 2.5L.. I'm gnona have to drive to school in this jeep and there's no Huge ass hills here... No rock climbing either cuz im in florida So I dunno what I"d best to buy..

ANy help is awsome! Thanks :)

Just a personal experience. Ive got a 4banger auto, my brother has a 6 with a stick. He gets better mileage then me. Yea i know the automatic is what kills me, but i think even with a 5speed i wouldnt do much better.
Next idea. I could be wrong, but i would venture to guess that with that much lift and that size of tire, the extra power of the 6 would be a huge help. Yea yea, i know you can gear a 4 to make it turn them, but then you lose your highway speed, which you'll want if its a daily driver.
So just my honest opinion, go for the 6


I had a 4 banger and after a small 4" lift and some agressive 31's I completly lost 5th gear on the hwy. Lost milage and lost power at the top end. I now have a 6 and it has more power and more of a power band in the higher rpms.

If I were to want a daily drive 6 would be the end of the conversation. But for off road in the type of trail riden I do the 4 banger was so sweet. Never seen any reason off road to have any more than I had.

Go for the 6 if your jeep will be you daily drive, then again we never got into the V8 side of life! hhehehe Tug
Both will be dogs if you install large tires and don't regear the axles to compensate for the height and added rotating mass.

It's all in the gearing, and a little in HP :D

i realize you'll have to re-gear either way.... but you shouldnt need as low as gears with the 6 as with the 4 (all other factors being the same) So my point was, you should be able to turn less rpms with the 6... therefore better mileage.

Just my thoughts
