1982 CJ7 Restoration


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image-3322163402.jpg My first vehicle from high school frozen in time... Untouched original paint and stripes


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<img src="http://www.jeepz.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=18391"/> My first vehicle from high school frozen in time... Untouched original paint and stripes
. I've owned this Jeep for 24 years now and it's been in storage for a long time. Sad to say, I only put about 100 miles on it in two years. The engine is very strong and runs great. My weber carb is 20 years old and is tired . I'd love to fuel inject it but not sure which kit I want to go with. I may go with the FAST kit but who knows. It seems like it will adapt to my modified 258 better than the others. My trans is a 999 Torqueflight which is in good condition and is very reliable . My suspension is tired and needs a complete overhaul . I'm not sure what to do with the paint and stripes... As I've mentioned , it's original . I've only seen two other Jeeps with the Jamaican Beige paint and the nutmeg,orange and yellow stripes. I'd like a fresh coat of paint and I've finally located stripes but y'all tell me if the value wouldn't be greater if I just left it alone. As for the hardtop, I've located a factory one. The top in the pic is aftermarket . I will however have to paint the top. Does anyone happen to know the paint code for the factory color nutmeg?


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What do you want to do with it? It is sort of classic as it site now and will draw a lot of attention. But you could also use it as a blank canvas and go for it with your own design.