03 Wrangler Won't Start


New member
So, I've been having problems like this off and on. Went out to start my Jeep today and it wouldn't start. It turns over, but won't ignite. It's getting plenty of juice from my battery.

In the past when this would happen, sometimes if I let it sit for a day it would start right up the next day. What I've done to try and fix it is:

-Replaced crankshaft and camshaft position sensor (was getting codes for it)
-Replaced plugs and coil rack (4.0L)
-Checked air filter
-Replaced battery
-Had fuel pump checked
-Fuel injector cleaner added to tank

I've had intermittent engine codes. Cyl 1 misfire. Cyl 3 misfire. This was why I used injector cleaner. I've also replaced oxygen sensors. I don't know what else to do. My last attempt was to replace the fuel pump relay, but when I went to the box to put a new one in, it was missing one completely, and it's not wired for one (even took the box out of the engine compartment to check the wires inside). Could it be the starter/solenoid? Any ideas? I'm frustrated, and now have to miss work this time due to this issue.

Thx for your help.

Oh yeah, one last thing. I get no readings from my gauges when I tried charging the battery. I turn the key, but no readings on the battery, fuel tank, anything. Radio works fine. I have a car alarm and that works fine too.