02' TJ needs to fit 33's


New member

Hey guys, I got a 02' TJ that is brand new and I am looking to lift it and start getting it ready for the trails. I want to fit 33 12.5 15 on it, so how big do I need to go to make these things fit? I was thinking a two inch body lift or possibly a three inch suspension. Keep in mind "IM BROKE".....looking for somthing cheap here!!! Thanks folks :cool: [addsig]


If you are broke...then my advice is don't void the warranty on a new car by adding what you want to. I know it sucks...been there...done that...don't have the t-shirt but should make some. Ride the warranty out...use it as much as you can...get free repairs...and once it is expired...go nuts. But alternative wisdom may dictate that the addition of aftermarket parts may avoid, not eliminate, more likely postpone repairs. But once again that dream being devoured by the money (or lack of) monster that hides under your Jeep. Body lifts are inexpensive...but I'm not a fan, yet just one voice among many. My theory...aww screw my theory...build it up and beat it up...like a good wife!!!!!!!!! Just joking and apologies plentiful to all the amazing females who grace this site. ...it was a joke...serious...Jeep on. :-D [addsig]

RompIT...I rolled around alot of sticky looking trails in my 00 TJ all stock and didnt have any trouble at all. I was also in college and all my money went to the monthly payments on it. My advise....before you sink big money into the TJ and void the warrenty. See what it can do and go from there. [addsig]


I would wait to do any serious modifications if money is an issue...well, heck, when isn't money an issue???? :lol: :-D Seriously, take advantage of the warranty...once that is out, I would personally go for a 4" suspension lift with a 1" spacer...JMHO...Patti[addsig]

You have heard the wisdom of good folk. I agree wait and let the dealer fix all the silly stuff for as long as they will. Then spend like crazy. Tug[addsig]

All good advice, thanks guys. One problem I want to be able to "Romp" the hell out of it and get some respect out on the trails.[addsig]


Patti said it best
4" suspension lift with a 1" spacer
Go for it but you can get a bunch of respect with just good ol driven skill. I have a 4 banger and run pretty much stock due to lack of money (I have teenagers) and still many of the young guys call on ol tug when thay get in over teir heads. But I do understand I wish I was moded to death too. Tug

edited by: Tug-n-pull, Feb 03, 2003 - 11:22 PM[addsig]

Patti's right Romp..I have a 99 stock Sahara, and it takes me everywhere I want to go(when I'm not hitting stumps lol) without any problems. In fact, most people think I push it to hard, but it hasn't failed me yet. Keep the warrenty, and then go with the 4" and 1 ". Nothing like breaking something, going to the dealer, and picking up your baby with a smile on you face as the mechanic has to clean mud outta his hair lmao

Rob :p :cool: :) [addsig]

yeah, stock jeeps don't get enough credit... their offroading capabilities are impressive right off the showroom floor![addsig]


Use up some of the warranty first change things like bumpers small things first then go with the lift. I have the same problem I have 03 tj just getting the small stuff first.[addsig]