Sounds like it was definitely time for an upgrade! Those bump stops can take a lot of abuse over the years. Fresh ones should improve your ride, especially off-road or when you hit those big bumps. How did the install go—pretty straightforward?
Gut, dass du die Anschlagpuffer gewechselt hast, die sehen echt fertig aus!Im Laufe der Zeit können die das Fahrgefühl beeinflussen, besonders im Gelände.Neue sollten das Handling deutlich verbessern.Schau auch mal nach den Stoßdämpfern, wenn die Puffer so aussahen, könnten die auch dran sein.Es ist immer super zu sehen, wie jemand sein Auto pflegt – kleine Sachen machen einen großen Unterschied!
Welcome Giovanni. I had to run your comment through Google translate, but your right the shock absorbers have been replaced previously (actually a couple of times).
It's good that you changed the stop buffers, they look really finished! Over time, they can affect the riding experience, especially off-road. Also take a look at the shock absorbers, if the buffers looked like this, they could also be on. It's always great to see how someone takes care of their car – little things make a big difference!
Welcome Giovanni. I had to run your comment through Google translate, but your right the shock absorbers have been replaced previously (actually a couple of times).