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My next tat. He's almost done drawing. Inking is sched thur.


  • image-2449894538.jpg
    387.3 KB · Views: 335
hmmm thats looking very nice. It sounds you are pretty good in drawings. because the drawing which you have share is looking very nice. If you have other stuff like that then please share it also. Thanks for sharing this. Its awesome.

I'm not sure where it's going. I think that's harder to decide than the pic itself. Lol. I am leaning toward my arm, but he drew a pretty big pic, so this may be going on the leg.
that is cool trail rated, is it a drawling of your jeep or just a jeep. You would laugh.. "a bushy crevice". lol I did too. Hey, today is thursday... you getting the tat done today? I wana see.
Yeah, do a 'build thread' as it goes through the process. There's a lot of detail in that tat.

'Bushy crevice'... I see what you did there...

I'll post another pic once it heals. Will be nice and bright then


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