Burnt CJ7

Big Boy Toys

New member
In an unfortunate mishap my restored CJ7 1976 was destroyed in a fire along with everything else in the garage. The interior and wiring were a total and complete loss. The tub, roll bar, frame, 2 tires, and the motor appear to be ok. I need some ideas on the motor does anyone think it can run again???

Unfortunately antique insurance is very expensive and my truck was uninsured except liability.

I really don't know where to start again.....

I am un familiar with the rules of the thread but any donations of used parts [not looking for money] or inexpensive parts for sale would be appreciated.

Need ideas on what needs to be replaced again. I am sure EVERYTHING rubber. Am i correct? Caliper bushings, suspension bushings, .......what else????

Please help a fellow Jeep enthusiast.


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Wow, sorry about your jeep.

If it were me I'd start over with another Jeep, and part out what was left of this one. You should be able to sand / blast the tub, hood, and frame, but there will be so many pieces that need to be replaced that it would probably not be worth it to rebuild this one (a whole CJ is cheaper than buying the parts individually).

You could always get a second one that's rusted out and use your frame / body on it, something like this:
Locate Any Auto: 83 cj7 jeep - Fort Smith

You'll need a new distributor, wires, valve cover, hoses, and probably radiator right?

I'm just trying to think of all the melt-able items on the engine.
I've heard paint wont stick to sheet metal after it's been burnt and if it does it'll flake off later on. Now, that's just what I've heard but I would think with all the sealer primers and things that are offered these days you could find something to get the paint to stick. On the other hand there is rhino linings. Like mentioned before, I think if it were me I'd find a rusty Jeep that needs a body if I were gonna save it. Sorry to hear about it, where are you located? I know of a few Jeep parts in my area.

Im in Chicago, well the outskirts actually. Farnklin Park by O'hare airport
Oh well, prob be better off finding stuff closer to ya. I've got a good friend from Chicago, we give each other he!! about our accents.
There are primer sealers out there now that litterally stop rust and you name it>
I am in the process of painting a 79 Golden Eagle that had some rust and it is great! my 87 yj is getting color tomorrow and then on to an 02 tj rockcrawler.
You can save most everything but at what price? Parts are expensive and hard tofind good ones,I agree with everyone else to look for a non running or partially damaged jeep and use it for the rebuild.(parts is parts)
should be covered under homeowners insurance since it was in the house at the time, do you have any recent appraisals, receipts, bills of sales for it?

as fo rhte motor, we are going to soon start on re-viving a 77 fsj cherrokee that had an engine fire, best bet would be to pull the motor, tear it down, have the block decked to ensure no warping, have the heads surfaced, then replace stuff that appears to be damaged. even if the motor was not directly in the fire, the heat and water from extinguishing can do a lot of damage. expect to replace the wiring harness, any rubbed or cork components.

Sorry for your troubles.

I agree with Terry & the others who say "It's time to start over." I would start by cleaning up everything worth saving & putting it up for sale(e-bay,Craigslist,the sale section of Jeepz,etc). then take the cash made on the sales & go Jeep shopping.
I had a friend who had a house fire and lost his alcohol dragster and a 68 nova in a fire. The main concern if your looking to reuse the frame and other cast parts (control arms knuckles and such). Is how hot did the fire get. The hotter the fire, the better the chances that you dis-tempered the metal making it softer than O.E.M. specs.
Mickey loss the whole dragster plus any of the spare parts because NHRA rules state that all parts in a fire lasting more than 5 minutes can not be used for racing.
We did Rockwell tests on the Nova frame and steering components and found the 25-35rc hardness on cast parts was in the 15-17rc range reducing the strength and flexibility of the cast parts thus scrapping the Nova's foundation as well.

Being that this is an off-road jeep I wouldn't take a chance here and write off your beloved CJ and do the start over as well.
should be covered under homeowners insurance since it was in the house at the time, do you have any recent appraisals, receipts, bills of sales for it?

as fo rhte motor, we are going to soon start on re-viving a 77 fsj cherrokee that had an engine fire, best bet would be to pull the motor, tear it down, have the block decked to ensure no warping, have the heads surfaced, then replace stuff that appears to be damaged. even if the motor was not directly in the fire, the heat and water from extinguishing can do a lot of damage. expect to replace the wiring harness, any rubbed or cork components.

Sorry for your troubles.
It would be worth checking into but I'd bet against homeowners insurance covering it. When I was checking on motorcycle ins I mentioned to my agent about dropping it through the winter months and house fire was mentioned. He said vehicles would not be covered. That may be different with anthor company or policy though.

depending on where youre at..id actually be interested in the whole vehicle if youre willing to part with it..ive always wanted an older cj7 but could never find one to fix up...