The elections???


New member
As political as this site gets very often, I'm very surprised there has been no comment on the recent elections. :confused:

My comment:.....the people have spoken.

Y'all kinda know how I feel,
When I heard Schumer of NY smiling about being in control of the Senate all he could do is say how he can't wait to start helping people with their electric bills & medical expenses and I thought to myself, where is he going to get all of this money to "help" these people?

From your paychecks.:-|

I know this was an election where alot of people voted against Bush and against the Iraq war and frankly I'm just about sick of how spineless President Bush and alot of the RINO republicans have been and I'm about ready to say the heck with the IRAQI people, if they want a democratic government, let "them" fight for it like our country did.

That being said, the radicalism we are about to be subjected to, radical enviornmentalism, radical taxation, gun control, and socialism where the gov't takes money from you and gives it to someone else who chooses not to work or has made one poor choice after another. People who drink quarts of Old English 800 and play Lotto all day are rewarded by being given housing and medical benefits.

It's coming, higher taxes, citizenship for people who have broken our laws to come here, higher minimum wages, which WILL be passed onto the consumer and everything we buy will be higher so the effect of the minimum wage raising will cost the guy making mimimum wage more to buy bread and milk.

Legalized Gay marriage, its coming.

Robert C Byrd, the biggest pork barrel spender in history, has been in congress since the 40's will be in charge of congressional spending, his people in West Virginina will get every highway they want paved with your money.

Jay Rockefeller also from West Virginia will likley get a national security post and he has been very critical of the intelligence gathering the gov't has used to stop several terrorist attacks since 9/11. We will be more vunerable to attack.

I'm not going to make any excuses for these people who have been in charge for 12 years and have done little in the way of real progress, but I hope everybody else is ready for the extreme alternative, because its coming.

I have been a conservative for 15 years, most republicans don't meet my expectations of the conservative movement. Conservatism is not dead. There are still millions of us who want smaller government, lower taxes and the right to pursue our own intrest and live our lives without heavy government interference. We will still be heard and I am not swayed by the recent events.

I believe that government entitlements and handouts ultimately hurt people in the long run by encouraging a lazy mind numb lifestyle where you sacrifice living standards for a welfare check.

Conservatism teaches that you help people who are down, by giving them a hand "up" not a hand "out". People abuse government programs and use them to live while not making an attempt to better themself and become a productive citizen. They are enslaved.

I am trying to prepare myself for the sweeping changes because they are coming.

I want my brothers to come home, but I believe the Dems will use and have used this motive to win back the majority. I agree with 90 for the most part, we will reap the results. Taxes are already out of control, gun control has just about been equalized, but now I have no idea what awaits. Nothing against peeps from Cali, but sometimes I wish that thing would slide off the continent/country. To be honest, I am fedup with our whole system. They will vote a raise for themselves without blinking an eye, because they know they can up our taxes to compensate. Gotta go now, getting sick at my stomach talking about this. The only way I can see how to end this corruption is to completey remove everyone up in WA, and vote everyone back in, but too many have too much power for this to work. I am vomiting right now, take care, kj
No offense taken by those of us in Cali-forn-E-A (as the governator says). One bit of info those NOT on the left coast may find interesting.

Although the state remains VERY blue, in the majority of statewide offices the demo candidate only beat out their republican challenger by single-digit margins. THAT has got to be cause for concern to the demo leadership.

A lot of Californians were voting for change, also, WITHIN the state. I am waiting to see what our next few years bring up.

As I am getting older, I find myself more involved in politics but less irritated by them. If you live long enough, it all comes full circle.
Remember, 12 years ago the demos got thrown out of the House and Senate for doing the same things the repubs are accused of doing now ... influence pedalling. So, wait a while and we can "throw the bums out" again.

Also, when a demo can become and independant and win an election (Lieberman) and a republican wants to change parties (Chafee) after he looses, just how ideological do you believe most of these candidates are anyway?

Remember, pray for those in power. They need the help regardless of party affiliation.

I dont want to be responsible for starting a war here, but in my opinion, the parties are the problem. Both of them. They both have good people (at least when compared to the others), they both have bad people. They both have some stances i personally support, and some that I do not. But for the most part, none of the people in either party have the balls to stand up and vote for what the people who voted them in want. They just want to do what the party tells them. Ok, and they are all lying scum too...

You know Nathan, I have to agree with you- especially the lying scum part. Having witnessed corruption at the local government level, I can't even imagine what occurs higher up. I really wonder if it's possible to have power without corruption. The only exception I can think of is my man Jimmy Carter, and whatever one thinks of his politics, he was/is an honest, humble man who truly did want to do good.

on a side note to Mud,

didn't your new state re-elect the Democratic William Jefferson who was caught this year with $90,000 in cash at home in a freezer?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
on a side note to Mud,

didn't your new state re-elect the Democratic William Jefferson who was caught this year with $90,000 in cash at home in a freezer?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I think if you would google "corrupt politics", you'd find Louisiana mentioned quite frequently!!:grin:

BTW - That money was his grandma's. :lol: :lol: :lol:
name me 1 politician who has done more for the unfortunate people in this country than jimmy carter. HE GOT THROWN TO THE WOLVES when he was in office.

I think if you would google "corrupt politics", you'd find Louisiana mentioned quite frequently!!:grin:

BTW - That money was his grandma's. :lol: :lol: :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Brings a whole new meaning to "cold hard cash"

Yep, you're right about LA politics, my friend has witnessed some of that at the Parish level with commisioners
name me 1 politician who has done more for the unfortunate people in this country than jimmy carter. HE GOT THROWN TO THE WOLVES when he was in office.

What he did at Mrs King's funeral recently was in poor taste.:redface:

Carter was good at socialism. He did institute programs to take money from the working man and give it to the non-worker.

I think he meant well, but he failed at several key areas of national and foriegn policy.

Standing by and letting the radical Islamic forces of the Ayatollah overthrow the Shah of Iran was terrible. The country of Iran has been led by radical Isamic forces from then to now and we are paying for it.

He pardoned all of the Viet-Nam draft dodgers, that was a knife in the heart of my Uncle who served proudly. That also pardoned a well-known draft dodger who later became a president we were all proud to know:redface:

He kissed the hiney of Breznef of the Soviet Union and was shocked after they invaded Afganistan when Breznef promised Carter he wouldn't.
he sucked up to just about every dictator there was at the time and that got us nowhere.

Gas lines...

record inflation...

Wanting to help poor people is a good thing, taking money from near-poor hard working people to do it so you can feel better is not good IMO.

All politians want to help the poor if you asked them and a TV camera is near.
They just take money from the workers who produce and give it away.

To answer you question, read about Harry Truman and his "Fair Deal". Many past presidents increased social programs while in office.

I don't know if he was railroaded or not, I know he was deeply concerned about the Iran hositages I saw that in his eyes. I think he was a genuine fellow, about things like that I'll give him that much.
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Yep, the people were sick of the scumbags in office, so they elected a different group of scumbags. Next election we'll realize we have a horrible bunch of scumbags in office and we'll put yet another bunch of scumbags into office. I wish people would vote a libertarian into office.

I'm just glad the mud slinging commercials are over with!!!
Yep, the people were sick of the scumbags in office, so they elected a different group of scumbags. Next election we'll realize we have a horrible bunch of scumbags in office and we'll put yet another bunch of scumbags into office. I wish people would vote a libertarian into office.

I like some Libertarians but I also like some independents (Joe Lieberman) and I like some candidates in the Constitution party, but they don't have the kind of money it takes to win these days.:x
I'll run(in 12 years) and ya'll can vote for me. At least you know when i raise taxes it'll be to fund another orv park:purple:

What we really need is two-fold: absolute transparency in spending (where is every dime of every tax dollar going, and who earmarked it for that spending) and we need a balance budget bill that would forbid the federal government from defecit spending except in times of Congressionally declared war (and then the deficit spending could only be toward the war). If we had that, it would be a lot easier to weed out the scumbags.

The idiots here in Washington state just passed a referendum that is going to send all of our cheap, clean hydropower to California and quadruple the energy costs for us here in Washington by forcing our power companies to use renewable energy sources (the referendum made it so hydropower is not considered renewable). Washington currently gets about 80% of our power from hydro. I can't wait to get stationed somewhere else.