Free Speech

Please let me let you all know where my head was at the time of my mean post to mingez. This is not a reason for me to have acted the way I did. I just want you all to know where my head was at.

This post was at 4 am not able to sleep at the end of a seven day strech where my wife and I had been working on a very special project. We had just given our time that week to cook supper for fifty folks each night coming together for a mission. These were half people we knew and half we were just meeting for the first time but all had a strong belief that we all shared. Every night after the meal we would all gather in a cramped little room and set two people per phone where people from all over the country would call in and we would answer the calls and do what ever we could for them.

This was at the Billy Graham TV Crusade Call Center. When you see Billy Graham on the TV there is a 1-800 # that you can call for a live one on one prayer request, spiritual guideance, or salvation request. During that week our 12 phones recieved so many phone calls. We are at one of ten call centers across the nation and Canada. The need for spritual help is so great. Broken homes, dieing loved ones, HIV victims, people all alone, sucides, rape victims, homosexuals worried that God does not love them, the list is so long with the greastest being people who just want to start a relationship with GOD for the first time. So many have to go to the end of the road to find they need him. For all of these we are there to do what we can for.

We do not take money of any kind from these people and we do not even let the talk about sending us money. This is not what we are there for. We are there solely for the callers. 24 folks on the phones 2 per phone people on the computers and people in the prayer room and runners getting the info to where it needes to be. That week I talked to so many from all over the country. I was cused out by a musslim for answering his call. I was brought to tears by people that were just so down and out that God was all they had left to grasp for. Some times we have to be knocked to our backs before we ever look up.

This is not posted to get you all to feel anything different for ol tug and his public attack on mingez. That was just wrong no matter what. I just let mingez total disreguard for God get to me and I lost it. This is the reason wrong but it is the truth. I hope you all can see where my head was at and know at least a little bit of what I was going through. I have kept my religion and beliefs to myself here on Jeepz. The folks that have come to Tennessee know I am ready to go wheel any time but come Sunday morning you can go alone till after church or your welcome to go to church with me.

So I hoe at least you can see where my head was at. I know I was wrong to single out and attack. Again Sorry Mingez and you still have my favorite xj! tug

Call me childish and whatnot, but I am a woman so I have those moments. I honestly feel for you as well, and am sending some big hugs your way Jeep buddy! To err is human.


Please excuse the fluff, this is a girl moment, remember. :roll: lol

Jeep On!
LadyJeepFreak said:
8) Man I love you people. I want to sit in a coffee house one afternoon with you all. lol
Lady 8)
lady i'm a dunkin donuts kind of guy. so you guys can go to the coffee house, and i'll bring my own box o'joe. :lol:

Put Your Gasoline Tax to Work for Better Trails

At the time of this post, I haven't read the responses. And I won't edit this either...

When I read the post from Tug, I blew it off and thought, "he was being sarcastic, inflection of voice NEVER comes across properly in words." Then I read it again and was floored! So quickly, I gave a reply.

But after I posted last night, I was worried that I might have lost some very dear friends on this- my favorite web site. Especially Tug (Whom I do still consider a friend). Everyone (including myself) respects him, and his opinions.

I toiled in my sleep over whether or not to delete my post. I weighed the possibilities of losing my Jeepz compadres. And never thought that a web site could affect me so much, or could be so important to me. But the integrity of my fathers words were ringing loudly in my head, "A man who stands for nothing, will fall for anything." Can you remember anyone else emparting that very same wisdom?? It was Tug.

That said, I don't regret responding with "strength", but I DO regret the "strong words" (in both directions). I tried to write carefully, and TRIED to stick to the subject at hand, but we are all human, and such important topics have a tendency to get a little heated. That, will definitely be my last onset of emotional content. (on this thread)

So Tug, it is important to me that you know I consider myself no better than you, and I hope that my last post didn't come off as condescending. Because you are too honorable a man to deserve such servings from one such as myself. And for the record, MY HYPOCRISY, although retalitory, shined through when I started doing some of the same things I was calling you out for. Let us continue with this very important debate as friends agreeing to disagree.


:::::::::::Okay I lied, I edited the post::::::::::

I had to edit because I read the responses, and let me say that I am amazed by them! The maturity of all of you, thank you for not ostracizing me, I didn't mean to sell you all short. Especially you Tug. I should have known that there had to have been some outside sources at play. It was a little different for me, because everyone KNEW where my head was at because it was retaliatory.

Tug...Danny, I still regret the exchange (both ways). I accept your apologies, and hope you accept mine as well.

BTW- I too feel honored when you respond to my posts, and look forward to your continued friendship, and intellectual input. And about my XJ... say more things like that next time and I won't care what you say about me personally! JK :lol:

Ian, aka "Mingez"
K_K_PSI_GUY said:
Good words from everybody, especially Mingez and Tug. We all need a nice cold beer. ;) -al

MMMmmmmmm.... beeeeerrr....
Speaking of which: "Happy St. Patricks Day!"

K_K_PSI_GUY said:
Homosexuality: I agree with several of you, specifically Tug, on the point that we are slowly being "brainwashed" into thinking that being gay is "okay", or "right" . I totally understand the "nature Vs Nurture" arguments, and I truly do not feel like going into it right now. I am simply agreeing that Tv, magazines, TV shows, and we as a society, are being "forced" to feel guilty for beleiving that homosexuality is wrong. I don't tend to look at people as being straight or gay, but when it is flaunted in your face, and you are faced with situations that force you to either agree, and "PROMOTE!" homosexuality, then, that's when we have problems. I don't beleive that the gov't should regulate people and their sexual preferences. With that said, the gov't SHOULD NOT "ENDORSE" homosexuality by allowing homosexuals to be married. Let there be no doubt that allowing gays to be married is a big old endorcement! That is my opinion. I don't want to see a constitutional ammendment either.

I agree and disagree.

I agree that the government shouldn't endorse homosexuality, just like they don't heterosexuality. BUT, allowing someone to get married, (in my mind) isn't endorsement.

I disagree with the statement that the media is "Forcing" anyone to feel guilty for believing that homosexuality is wrong. The media doesn't force anybody to do anything... except maybe turn the channel. Obviously, because you, haven't been "brainwashed" by such exposure. Likewise, I could listen to Limbaugh for a million years and it wouldn't change my current opinions on the subject.

BTW- Thanks for the bikini top!! My buddy Chris is much appreciative. It's my pre-marriage wedding gift to him before the government "endorses his heterosexuality." :lol: :lol: hehehehe... JK

Really... thanks!
I think I am going to make a Jeep trip to the east coast sometime to meet you great Jeepers. I consider many of you my buddies, and I hope it remains that way for a long time.
I think we should contact MTV we need them to set up Real World Jeepz...This stuff is much more interesting than the drunk people in San Diego.

mingez said:
It's my pre-marriage wedding gift to him before the government "endorses his heterosexuality." :lol: :lol: hehehehe... JK

Really... thanks!

LOL, Well, yes, it is a rather hard to talk about equality and all that when this goverment was greatly influenced by Christianity. There is no doubt that religion is in our form of gov't .I guess it all comes down to majority rule. Heck, things change, yet other do not. I have my beleifs, you all your belifs, as each should. And there is nothing wrong with that. God Bless America for that. :) I do not hate or hurt people because of their sexual orientation. That would be wrong. There is no need for that. I have dealt with many people who have "chosen" that way of life, and I have never disrespected any of them because of their sexual orientation. I beleive in mutual respect and in being profesional in business situations. I've been asked many times my views on homosexuality, and I simply respond that it is not something I beleive in. That is it.

Mingez, your friend sounds like a great guy, and I am glad that he has chosen to have the gov't "endorse" his heterosexuality! ;) No problem on the top. Thanks for buying it from me.-Al
How about that blonde country girl on the Real World? Or even the cute little Vietnamese girl? Now the freak, I don't know about that one. :lol:

Free speech is important, probably one of the most important right that we have. However, is it really free - and what exactly does that mean? You simply can't say anything that you want to, just because you want to. Sitting next to someone being offensive is not cool. Sure, you could move, but why should you? Why should the other person be allowed to rant on about what ever they want? Slander? Libel? Sound familiar? Ever sit at a red light and try to drown out some 'free-speaker' shouting that you'll rot in hell after you are burned to cinders?

Not cool.

As far as reference to control, someone needs to keep a handle on society. Or, are some thinking that we can keep culture in check ourselves? Don't think so.

So cool to see the number of responses to this question. With years of newspaper experience, I often asked employees the question, "Why do we have a newspaper?' Most would volunteer the freedom of speech.

Make no mistake - it's solely to generate revenue.

Free speech makes a ton of money - for someone.
Ok folks, so know we know why many wont talk about politics, religion, or love. I enjoy it, but it sure can cause the ol' Irish to be raised (no post St. Patty's day pun intended). Glad to see no hard feelings here, but I suspected there wouldn't be!

Real Jeepz? Now that's funny :lol:
Ok folks, so know we know why many wont talk about politics, religion, or love.

Sammy Cershaw (Politics, religion and Her)
Politics can start a fight
Religion's hard to know who's right
and one more topic I won't touch
That one's her, it hurts too much

Let's talk about Baseball,
talk a little small talk,
there's gotta be a good joke
that you've heard
Let's talk about Nascar,
Old Hollywood Movie Stars
Let's talk about anything, anything in this world,
but Politics, Religion and Her.

There has got to be some sense behind it, shoot there is a song about it. :shock: :wink: :wink: :wink:

Naahhhhhh!!!! :D

It was mostly good stuff. Best thread around I'd say.

Mingez PM'd a few of us to remind us of this thread. FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT'S SACRED AND HOLY please don't post up to restart this discussion!!!!

I just thought it would make great reading for some of the newer folks, and bring back memories for those who were around for it.

Sorry I couldn't resist8)