zzzzzz when rolling...


New member

I took my doors off this weekend and I noticed zzzzzzzzzz sound when I'm rolling staright for a while. Sometimes I'll hit a bump and it starts, then when I slow down under 15 mhp it stops.

I checked to see if anything was rubbing against something, and nothing
Please help, sounds expensive!

Phil. :-? [addsig]


If it were constant I would say that it sounds like the rear end-- a broken gear tooth or something.. Will the sound keep going if you press the clutch all the way in while rolling? Maybe the driveshaft is loose and is rubbing something when bumped out of place ?

Even when I press the clutch it keeps doing it but it goes with the speed of the car up to a certain speed and then when I slow down[addsig]


no it almost sounds like your bedroom alarm but constant... hard to describe but I think this is the clossed thing I could find.[addsig]

Could be a lot of different things-- hard to say from here. My suggestion would be to try and get the problem to happen when you're in a position to observe it-- maybe jack the jeep up by the rear axle and have some one run it through the gears...[addsig]

Not trying to sound stupid or anything... did you pull the connectors from the door switch??? Without knowing the location of the buzz, it's hard to say. :-? [addsig]


Yeah did that a while ago, but my friend told me it sounds like a muskito a very loud one

only between 0 and 20 mph nothing the rest ... :-x

good suggestion jterp...[addsig]

when that happens.. i always put it up on jacks and get down there....

do you have mud tires, could it be road noise?

i noticed one time that on a friend's jeep, after our SOA, his parking brake cable was loose and rubbing on his driveshaft... i'd say get down there and check it out on jacks


no it almost sounds like your bedroom alarm but...

funny, i don't recall you sleeping over... :) lol[addsig]

i'm getting the exact same noise! i'm takin it in for an all around check tomorrow and i'll reply if anything was wrong with it and let y'all konw[addsig]