ZJ owners (cb question)


New member
ok, the time has come to break down and get a cb. my question to zj owners is where the heck did you mount yours if you already have one?

my initial thought was the ceiling, facing forward right behind my head, kinda over center. but that would be a pain to wire up there. other though was to get rid of the computer at the bottom of the center console and put it in there. i mean what does that computer really tell me? i can remember to change my oil and fluids. and i'm pretty confident i know when a door is open. other thoughts?

thanks for the input with this guys, i'm just really strugglin to find a place with easy access but still out of the way of myself and passengers.

Repost 1974 Cherokee sale

well i can't really answer your question because i didn't mount my cb. but when i am using it i just wedge it between the drivers seat and the center console, which actually turns out to fit pretty nicely. works for me :wink:
ha, someone on nagca.com said the same thing to me. another had it mounted upright on the passenger side of the center console, stuck up about 8 inches, looked pretty bad. still searchin for a good mounting place. but that might work for now, thanks random.
i saw the one posted on nagca. what about more like where the console opens up (where you can put stuff in..is there a real name for that part besides console?), that might look better. could you mount it to the side of the console .. do you get what i mean? its been a while since i've used my cb, and i guess it depends on the size of your cb. mine's a cheapo small one. anyways, if you don't get what i mean, i can take pics or try to explain better.

two more things i built

yeah i know what you're saying, i think it might hit my elbow, or my passenger's depending on which side i put it on. who knows, maybe i'll just hold it in my lap :wink:
I got one of those really small CB's for my wife's ZJ and velcroed it to the overhead console (where the garage door opener and sunglasses compartments are) and ran the wiring down the A-pillar. I used velcro so she could take it out when not in use if she wanted to.
I have a Uniden PRO 510XL - its a nice compact unit, one of the smallest. You can get them on Ebay for $30 if you look around.. I took the center console down (one screw in front), removed the garage door opener cover, and trimmed the plastic in the front of that section (not visible from outside). I screwed the bracket to the rear edge of the opening, stuck the rear of the CB in the console, it hangs halfway out at an angle, looks real good. I'll try to get you some pics of the install. Only drawback its its a little far back and hard to see the display, but it is a nice place to reach it and looks good there.

cool graewulf! thats what i was looking for. sounds like a good idea. pictures would definately be appreciated.
the basic steps to do the install are:

1. remove passenger side trim panel by windshield (just pulls off)
2. remove passenger visor and visor clip (unscrews) be careful if you have the lighted visor mirror - there is a connector in the post you need to unhook
3. remove passenger oh #$&% handle
4. remove screw in front of console (all the way up front)
5. slide the console forward about 3 inches - it will drop. be careful there are 2 connectors you need to unhook (lights and computer) - they are different so no need to remember which is which.
6. remove garage door opener cover by bending it a little - it will pop free
7. trtim the front edge of the opening to fit the CB
8. attach the bracked to the CB loosely and see where you have to attach the bracket to the rear edge of the opening - just need 2 self tapping screws
9. run the power cord up the passenger column (i installed an inline disconnect onthe CB about 6" from the unit to make it easier to service - I highly recommend this)
10. run the antenna cable in the door around the seal and under the headliner - you can pull it down enough to get it in there.
11. reattach teh console connectors and re-hang the console leaving the antenna and power hanging about 4-6" out
12. install CB and test
13. reinstall the oh #*$& handle and visor - don't forget the wire for the light in the visor.
14. Reinstall the trim panel on the windshield and tuck the power cord behind it.

You're done.
Don't forget to have the antenna tuned with an SWR meter. An 8' antenna cable is more than enough if mounting it to the roof rack or center of roof (mag mount). If mounting to the rack be sure to ground the mount - I ran 2 16gauge wires (speaker wire actually) to a screw on the roof rails for a ground.

I'll try and get some pics of the finished product tonight and post them.

Good luck with the install. If you get stuck drop me a note and I'll try and help, not that I think you will....
Here are pics of my CB install as promised:




thanks for the pics grae, but uhh....does your handy dandy sunglass holder still open? or is it blocked by the cb now?
It opens somewhat, but I have a pocket on the visor that I use.. the handy dandy sunglass holder jams more often than not from the sunglasses shifting forward....

cool! well thanks for all the great ideas grae, i actually use my sunglass holder, and it doesnt jam on me. plus for right now i have an old cb that i got for free from a co-worker, so i'm just going to jam it between the console and seat, i guess when i get a newer one, i'll think about a permanent mounting job. and what you showed me def looks good.