You'd Better Fill up now


New member
I just got an priority price message from one of the refinery stations that supply our region and there has been a .30 per gallon increase for today on unleaded!!

It has already started, until more is known about how much the storm has affected the ability to produce/refine crude, the market is going to be nuts.

Off roadin pic (my daughters first trip)

great!!!!!!! Jeep is on empty :wink:
RE: Jeepz back up

I filled up yesterday morning for $2.57/gallon. That afternoon - same station - $2.82!!!!!!!!!!
RE: whats it worth $$$

I need to get a hold of our Z friend that had that electric conversion. time to make the grand cherokee run on a plug.

Yuppers....hit $2.79 today. Filled Sunshine's Camry on Sunday at $2.56 (for mid-grade). It was cheaper to buy mid-grade with our discount card.
Wow, that sucks. 30 cents is a huge freakin' jump. Thanks for the heads up... I knew it was going up but had no idea that much.

Well it is definately time for the government to waive the gas tax.
...and release more reserves.

...and drill in Alaska.

...and get the state gov't together to get a standard on gasoline restrictions so it will cost less to refine oil and make gasoline.


I'm thinking about buying a little diesel car. Yes really. Anybody make one besides the Golf and Jetta??? I wanna buy domestic (please refrain from the import/domestic debate)

I think at the last report almost 60% of the offshore drilling platforms in the Gulf are down from the storm. Not all of them are damaged, but they all had to be evacuated due to the storm. At least 4 major gasoline refineries are down with no power.

Yup, people have been trying to tell us for years to build more refineries and do more domestic drilling, but thanks to all of the wonderful tree huggers not one refinerey has been built in over 40 years. The refineries we have now, some are nearly 100 years old! It takes at least 10 years to get the environmental impact statment done on a site to even begin to think about building a refinery. We are so screwed. :cry: and we have let a percentage of the people in this country do it to us.

Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.

RE: whats it worth $$$

2.98 this evening... Wish the stupid thing was running better, at the rate it's burning gas, that'll be gone by the end of the week with just my 30 mile commute to work...

No kidding. I just paid 44bux to fill up my TJ. Im running with a 19 gallon tank and its simply insane. I could see paying that much if I was some competion rocking crawler that could afford it. Heck its just my Daily driver draggin my butt to work. :wink:
RE: Acetone???

Prices are supposed to shoot up another 30 cents today.....for a total of 60 cents in two days!!! Un-freakin-believable!!!!!

The news people in South FL said we might see an incease of $1 per gallon by the end of the holiday weekend.
thank goodness my bike gets 51MPG... its the only thing keeping me from going broke... and my wife's car gets 30MPG... the jeep sits most of the time now.

Here's my idea. I think that if we just stuck a spigot in Alaska for a year or two and showed the bastids in the Middle East that we don't need their oil to get by then they would be forced to drop their prices. Gas/oil would be back down to tollerable levels and we could shut Alaska off. Then when those bastids in the M.E. think about raising the price again the president just goes and stands outside of Alaska and threatens to turn it back on again. How many endangered species would really mind sharing their habitats with the friendly North American oil worker for a year or two?

The way things are going now can't continue for much longer I think. This whole country wants as much as they can get for as cheap as they can get it. Yet the majority are unwilling to give up anything to get it. The bubble has to pop soon!
There was an internet rumor going around that gas stations were going to run dry last night and all of them were going to shut their pumps off starting midnight last night until the crisis is controlled. I guess it spoked alot of people because the lines after work yesterday at the pumps were pretty silly. I am really loving my short drive to work. I dont know how people who travel long distances to not well paying jobs are going to be able to deal with this. There was an article that said low income families spend 20%of their disposable income on gas. Now imagine what they are going through now that gas prices have doubled since last year. It doesnt leave much money for anythign else.
I haven't looked for myself, but my grandfather said that the same place he filled up on Monday for $2.47 had gone to $2.99 on Tuesday. That's a .52 cent jump in one day!!!
I heard on the news that the Pres was going to release some of the reserve.

RE: Re: New guy

prices here went up around $.40 or so here yesterday...I still haven't seen what they are today.

And the crappy part is my truck that gets about 3mpg is empty...and it holds 60 gallons of fuel...and only runs on premium (with some octane booster) or higher. I'm guessing I'll be towing it to any trails that I plan to run any time soon!!