You know what sucks?


New member
RUST! I hate it. I swear that each time I try to do something it's rusted together. Trying to lift my XJ. Rusted together. Yea for the Unibody! Try to replace a shot steering stabalizer. Rusted together. Drives me crazy.

So all of the bolts on the springs in the rear of the cherokee were all rusted onto the frame. Melded together. No way to use any kind of liquid wrench on them. So it turns out that I ended up having to get someone to do a bit of welding and put on new shock brackets. Lovely. But I guess that it gets the job done. Just totally frustrating. Finally got everything taken care of, but man, sometimes it makes you just want to give up and drive a honda. Then you realize what you're actually thinking to yourself and you get that second wind.

Anybody else have the same type of problem?

p.s. I'll try to get a couple of pics of it all if it ever stops pouring down rain...

..........sometimes it makes you just want to give up and drive a honda....

Yes, rust sucks BIG TIME!!!! But never forget, hondas rust, too, given the time.
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PB Blaster, heat from a torch, then worst case... cut.

Yeah rust is a real PITA, but there's no escaping it :(

We don't even salt our roads here. That would make it much worse. It all works out in the end though.

I live about 90 miles from the coast. Down in the valley. It's just very wet here. I still haven't been able to go out and take pics because it has poured down rain since sunday(?). Things are flooding. The good side of that is that I learned that I can still drive through 8 inch rivers (not streets) and not suck water into the air filter. That has been causing me a bit of worry. Not any more though!