I didnt realy need one just yet, but another financial institution scouted me out. I will be able to say I am truly a upper to middle class worker now. Let me just say to all the young people working in factories or slave driving blue collar jobs for 10 to 12 bucks an hour. Cut your hair and put on a tie. That is where the money is at. I finaly made that move about 8 years ago and it has paid off big time. I have super flexible hours, dont have to lift any thing heavier than a stapler and I get paid some very decent cash. I jumped in the the tie world kind of late, but it was the best move I ever made. I am not saying blue colar jobs are bad. I have total respect for everyone on any job level. Been on both sides of the fence. But if you are tired of punhing that clock. put on a tie. I havent seen a time clock since. Also get 4 weeks of vacation and 10 sick days.