Wow it's hot


New member
Wow, these last few days have been really hot. My top is off and so are the doors and it is still hot hot hot! It was at least 100 on sunday, and it was over 100 today.There is no end to this heat wave!
I hear ya Sully!!! I'm down at Venice Beach and it's 90!! Crazy hot for the coast. Drove into school today at 6:30 am in shorts and a t-shirt (doors and top off too), had to be 80 then! Gotta say that the hot temps make for some great scenery on campus thought :)

it was like 60 and rained nonstop all day long. gosh i love working outside!

Yea, I basked in the 45 degree, 20 mph, RAINY weather all day long AND with my top and doors on. What the life I have, it sure is Grand. :shock:


Honestly, I did hear about that heat out there Sully. One of my friends said the fires have started again. Hope all stays well in your area.

I'll tell you what is better than nice, dry 85 degree weather. 85 degree WET, RAINY weather. Now THAT makes for nice scenery on my campus.

Yep, its been about 80-85 here, and it is perfect! It is supposed to rain tomorrow though; however, the top and doors will not be going back on!!
Yeah, it's wonderful in Bama. 51 degrees and soaking wet this morning. I think it got up to 63 in the middle of the day. It does make for some good mud puddles though :)

It was nice and 60 degrees in Albuquerque this weekend. Kinda chilly really.

But down here in hell, we are a mild 90 degrees. Don't worry Socal, that heatwave will soon move to it's rightful owner, El Paso.

Aye, its hot as hell here in Cali. Hit 104 over here near Redlands. Just glad I was able to find my coolant leak and install a new water pump before this hit.

Weird to think that just a couple of weeks ago it was snowing in the mountains and raining at a nice 75 degrees. Swear this place can never make up its mind. Makes me miss the beautiful weather back home right now, Georgia and Florida are just perfect.

Snitty said:
100 is just to hot. 85 is prefect.

no no no... 75 is perfect

Give me a clear 65-70° day (blue jeans and a sweatshirt weather) now that's a good day to be a phone man!

jeeperjoe said:
it was like 60 and rained nonstop all day long. gosh i love working outside!
Some days you get the bear, some days the bear gets you. The way the weather has been lately makes it's hard to admit, but I really do love working outside.