Wooooooooo Hoooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!

I just found out tonight that I'm going to be a grampa again!!!!! Strange thing is, I had a dream about having another grandchild this morning....that's just plain spooky! Another grandchild to spoil and take Jeeping with me, how cool is that? They're going to stop at two kids, which is ok. My family had 4, my wife's had 3, and it always seems the middle kids always get left out (or at least feel that way). At least they're not contributing to the problem of overpopulation! Brasen is about 9 1/2 months old now, and he's got quite a personality. He's almost walking on his own (been using a walker and a footstool for a month already). We get to keep him overnight a couple of nights a week while his mom goes to college and does homework and his dad is travelling on business, so we get plenty of time together to spoil him.8)

Just thought I'd share the news.8)
Congratulations!! Got two (grandkids) of my own - 6 yr old grandson & 1-1/2 yr old grandaughter. Found out 2 weeks ago there's another one on the way! Grandkids love riding in the jeep (especially with the top down!). Again, congratulations!
Congratulations Sparky!! Don't have any grand kids yet...But I do have a 2.5 year old at home,He went to his 1st. Jeep Jamboree and now every vechile is a jeep and he is always going 4 wheelin with his toy's. It's Great!!
Congrats and Yahhhhhoooooeeeee!!! from Mud and I. We had to leave a three week old grandson to come down here, and believe me, that was very hard. I was there for the birth and got to spoil him for a couple of weeks before the big move. I can hardly wait to go home for Thanksgiving and have him in my arms again!! Best wishes to the mom and dad and I, for one, am hoping for a girl- I'm convinced that model is obsolete, at least in my family! On another happy note, Mud and I are expecting our eighth grandbaby in March. Mud's son got married last July and they are expecting their first. His wife already has a child ( counted in those above-mention eight, of course) and Bless her little heart....she's a girl!! I think the only way we'll get granddaughters is if our sons marry women who already have girls- fine by me!!
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Congrats and Yahhhhhoooooeeeee!!! from Mud and I. We had to leave a three week old grandson to come down here, and believe me, that was very hard. I was there for the birth and got to spoil him for a couple of weeks before the big move. I can hardly wait to go home for Thanksgiving and have him in my arms again!! Best wishes to the mom and dad and I, for one, am hoping for a girl- I'm convinced that model is obsolete, at least in my family! On another happy note, Mud and I are expecting our eighth grandbaby in March. Mud's son got married last July and they are expecting their first. His wife already has a child ( counted in those above-mention eight, of course) and Bless her little heart....she's a girl!! I think the only way we'll get granddaughters is if our sons marry women who already have girls- fine by me!!

Sunshine and Kristen are hoping for a girl, but of course me and the daddy are hoping for another boy. That way, I can have a spotter one both front corners when we go wheeling!!:lol:

Sunshine and Kristen are hoping for a girl, but of course me and the daddy are hoping for another boy. That way, I can have a spotter one both front corners when we go wheeling!!:lol:

Hey..Girls can spot too! I have new Granddaughter born in Sept!:D I'm sure can't wait to have her out wheel'n!:lol: