windshield replacement


New member
just got the windshield cracked on my 06 wrangler by a gravel truck. is this something i can change out myself and if so any tips i need to know before starting, any help would be appreciated!

first thing to check is if your insurance company replaces windows for free or for $50.
Unless it's really bad, don't bother! I've had my jeep two and half years and I'm on my 4TH windshield and it has a crack in it already!
thanks guys, from some of the old threads i've read on windshield replacement i think i'll wait until it gets a lot worse then have it replaced by a professional!

I had a pro do my last windshield replacement for $150 which included all parts, a little rust repair, a leak free installation warranty and he did it in my drveway. I live an hour from the closest glass shop. Well worth the cash IMO.

I tried to do a replacement once. the glass slipped and I was out the $45 I paid for the glass :cry:. Pay to have it done.
X-elventy on the pro install. I'm pretty good with most fixes & prolly could have done it, but my job at the time didn't give me enough time to do it (Xmas overtime).

So I paid a guy $120.00 & he did a great job, fixing rust & repainting the frame with cold galvanize paint.


Jeep Windshield Glass Installation on The CJ3B Page

dont forget about the locking strip in seal remove it first before install than replace it
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Out this way, if your vehicle gets windshield damage by a dump truck, if you get the truck number and call the trucking company, they'll pay for the replacement windshield. I had to do this on my Blazer years ago, although I didn't remember the truck number I found another truck (same co.) whose load was spilling over and used it's number. When I drove dump, we were periodically lectured to sweep off the rails to prevent this sort of situation on account that some of the drivers in our company were lax. Hard to soar with eagles when you work with turkeys.
if it is smaller than a dollar bill then most glass places can repair it for cheap or free if your insurance has that benefit. If I get mine repaired with Geico there is no deductable at all.