Window Tinting...


New member
I know this isn't just for this forum list, but does anyone know if it is hard to do window tinting at home? I was going to get my windows tinted professionally, but it is going to cost around 200 bucks...and I'm tired of squinting while anyone?

Its pretty simple, you just need soapy water in a spray bottle and a squeege. You should do it in a warm place so the glass isn't freezing. When you buy the tint it should have instructions with it. I did my hard top a few months ago... it helps if you know how to apply vinyl though, its basically the same process.
as far as window tinting goes, i would personally have it done professionally. cutting around the edges and everything else is a pain by itself. now i dont know what you're tinting? but i helped my buddy a couple years ago in his cherokee sport, and we started with the back window, that was such a pain by itself, that we decided to scrap the whole idea, and he went and got it professionally done. for a first timer, attempting it yourself would def be cheaper, but i'd ask around to friends to see if anyone has experience and would help you. cause you'll just end up getting mad at everything if you try doing it yourself.

not that its impossible, just very time consuming, and if you're a perfectionist like i am, its never going to look right if you do it by yourself.

Transmission Question

It's tough to do it right. I did it when I was 16 and was able to make it last, so it's possible with enough patience. Follow the dirtrections closely, and buy some extra tint just in case :wink:
steering box ?

I have seen on ebay that people sell the tint pre-cut for xj's. Have never heard comments from people who have bought, so do at own risk, but this could make the process easier and possibly cheaper.
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I did all but the front windows on my 91 Cherokee. It was my first attempt at window tinting but it came out all right. I was happy with it for a quarter the price. I ended up with a few little ripples in my hatch window and I cut the tint for the side rear window backwards twice so I cut a couple triangles the second time to do a patch job. These small imperfections are unnoticeable at a distance. I was just concerned with blocking sight of my subwoofers and amp witch the 5% tint on the sides and 2.5% tint on the back window does very well. All the windows look totally black.

The whole job took me two afternoons and cost me around $50 including a window tint application kit witch includes a spray bottle, razor, squeegee and film application fluid (witch can be substituted with soapy water).

If you decide on tinting yourself make sure you set aside a whole day or a couple afternoons when you wont have any distractions. You will have to take your time and be very patient. Remember fluid is your friend the wetter the window and tint the easier it will move where you want it to go. Start with the small rear door windows they are the easiest, move from smallest to largest. Having someone to help with the rear window will help allot. Make sure your windows are really REALLY clean! The cleaner the windows the better looking your tint will look, use a razorblade to scrape em. When you cut the tint double check to see if you have the adhesive side facing out. Make sure the temperature is above 40degrees F when applying tint and remember to keep those windows up for about 3 days.

I used 3 rolls of tint on my Cherokee and had enough to redo one of the side rear windows. The rear window will need a whole roll and the sides require about two and a half. I suggest you buy four just in case, then if you screw up you have a roll handy and if you don't need it you can always take it back. Make sure you take you time and be very patient and your tint will look professional! I learned allot of this the hard way If I would have ignored my girlfriend waiting impatiently to go to the beach my second day of tinting then maybe I wouldn’t have botched my two remaining windows. I plan to redo them in the spring.

So the bottom line is if you have the time and patience go for it. Even if I buy 2 more rolls I will have a total of $75 and three afternoons invested witch is about half what you would spend to have it done.

I think I'm going to attempt to do the tinting myself this spring/summer...thanks for all of the info killerb...I'll definitely make sure that I'll have the time to pay attention to what I'm doing...I have to do this for the same reason as you did....covering the sound system....someone attempted to break into the back hatch on mine, but it was locked, so they got mad and ripped off the back wiper. That's going to be a fun one to repair... Thanks for the input everyone!