Winch Plate Mount


New member
Are the Warn Winch Mount Plates universal fit for warn winches or are the bolt patterns diffrent on the winches based on model. :?|
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The only winch that uses a different winch plate is the 8274. Almost every other winch made uses a standard mounting pattern. Most of the times the winch plates are vehicle specific. CJ's are different than YJ's, YJ's are different than TJ's, and TJ's are different than JK's. YJ plates and TJ plates are usually the same plate with one extra hole drilled. The 8274 uses a face mount instead of a foot mount.

You're welcome. Glad to know I'm still good for something around here.
Yea as it was said, most of the winches fit a standard plate and a lot of the plates will have extra holes on them to allow different bolt patterns

Just to add... some Warn winch plates have accomodations for both the standard and the 8274 which would be the difference from one plate manufacturer to an other