why i wanted to paint the jeep


New member
alot of you guys were asking me why i wanted to paint the jeep here is some pics of the jeep if you guys have some tips on how i can fix these problems let me know

the first two pics are on the driver side and the third is on the passenger side where the running board meets the fender flare it is rusted through and the rust around it is really soft


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I can see why you want to paint. If I were you, and if you want to, tape off the graphics and go to town.

The rust on the drivers side looks like it can be sanded, feathered and primed, does not look like it has eaten through yet. The other side where it has eaten through you'll have to get to good metal and have a new piece added bondo and smooth then paint.

On your fenders, looks like you will have to strip and start over. It should just be plastic so be careful what you use to take off the paint.
If you wanted to repaint the whole Jeep I would take it down to a vinyl graphic place let them take all the measurements for the decals then strip it down to metal paint and reapply the graphics.If you are only looking at repairing what you have those surface rust is easy to fix.Pick up some Duplicolor paint from an auto store.Same for the tire flares.I just repainted my Flares they where that dull almost white color,now they are nice and black again.

All I can see is nice, faded flavor. I would leave it... perhaps a touch of auto primer to compliment the glory of your sun bleached paint.

In all seriousness, I would neuter the rust, and just touch it up. That way, if you go play around you can look at the scratches on your old paint and say, "That was fun", rather than saying, "$#!^, my new paint!"
My tub had rust . . . I cut out the rusted area with a pneumatic grinder w/cut off wheel and cut a patch to match it. I tacked oposite corners to hold it fast then began stitching a little at a time on opposite sides. If you just lay bead, it overheats and warps. I used a little 115v mig welder. Grind it smooth when it's done and use bondo to smooth it out. Make sure you cover bare metal with primer quickly as posible. Make sure before welding that you have it to bare metal.

What are you gonna do to it? It already has cancer clear through!!
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What do yuo guys think of painting the fender flares and running boards black the i could patch the rust hole where the flare meets the running board w/ a small piece of sheet steel and paint it black here is a islander i found w/ black fender flares what do you think i am looking at doing the jeep almost just like that w/ the black windshield and door brackets let me know


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If it were me, and this is what I did...

I had the same fenders and steps, I took them all off and sold them on ebay, mine were in better shape, but people will buy them. Look for some black sahara tj flares, they are a little wider than the regular flares and they are painted so they won't fade. Toss them on, (not literally, you will have to do some cutting) it will give you a lot more wheel well room. Might also cut the rust out on the bottom?? if not, will give you a chance to make a repair.
To cover all the holes from the factory side steps and your possible rust repair, look for a set of good quality rocker guards if you don't want to make your own. I made mine, just some 6x6x3/16 angle iron with some 1.5" DOM welded on.

it will be cheaper, and more beneficial.

gere is a pic
