why do people steal stupid things?


New member
I went to my jeep today after work, noticed my vavle caps are all missing, My gove box was opened and only a zippo was taken. and a pair of mechanic gloves. Of all things. 1 the zippo is older than me, broken and out of fluid and flint. The gloves are covered in grease and all kinds of dirt. And the valve caps are PLASTIC! not even then metal ones that look neat. They left my alpine radio, my ammo can of recovery equp. All sorts of tools on the back seat. Who? why? i don't get people.

They are too lazy to go and get a job to make money to buy things. But stealing plastic valve stems is just stupid.
Never understood thieves in general - if it's yours it's yours, if it's not it's NOT!

Which brings up another thought.........I've always wondered why I have door locks on my TJ and zippers on my windows? Heck, open the doors - leave my top alone!! no knives, please
My cousin's YJ didn't have locks, on the half doors. Maybe they were after market ones? I leave my doors unlocked to save 'em the effort, i don't want cut windows again. Broke my glove box the maggots! Looks like i gotta go tuffy.

Kids in my town steal the caps or "chromies" as they call em, and put them on thier bikes. But plastic ones being stolen? You must have some hard up ghetto kids in your town.
The kids in my town know better, they won't take my chromies.
Gear ratio

LGR said:
I leave my doors unlocked to save 'em the effort, i don't want cut windows again.

I do the same. Though, I often wonder if they'd even check the doors first, or if my windows would get cut anyways. Actually I just hope I never find out the answer to that question :mrgreen:

-Nick :!:
I had considerate thieves break into my YJ one time. They took the time to pry out on the top of the soft doors and reach in and unlock them. Every SWB Jeep that I've owned has been broken into. I had the same Jeep broken into TWICE and nothing was stolen either time. What was that about?

A nice Jeep sitting on the side of the road for sale will ALWAYS get broken into around here, even if it's just to get a better look. Stupid people.

I've actually been considering installing one of the old "floor starters" on my TJ and doin' away with the key altogether - if they're goin' to steal it or break in, they're going to steal it or break in - not a whole lot you can do if they're very determined thieves.
i always say... if you lock your doors... you're gonna pay for whatever is stolen... plus windows
Theives are stupid that's why. Stupid is as stupid does. :lol:

LGR said:
My cousin's YJ didn't have locks, on the half doors. Maybe they were after market ones?

The older YJ's half doors had no locks. Not sure what year they started putting them on, but it was before 92 cause I had locks on mine.

no locks? Heck, I havn't had my doors on since April!
The older YJ's half doors had no locks. Not sure what year they started putting them on, but it was before 92 cause I had locks on mine.

I think his was an 89..maybe? not sure on the whole CJ to YJ switch. But i'm like 90% sure it was an 89
Junkpile said:
I had the same Jeep broken into TWICE and nothing was stolen either time. What was that about?

Must have been a nice Jeep and they just wanted to check out the interior :mrgreen:

-Nick :!:
there are wannabees who just like to sit in the driver seat and pretend to drive around the mountains

You know thats wierd cause, the last time we were in paragon in April, Someone stole two of my plastic valvee stem covers too! wierd!
Yeah, whenever I air down I end up losing them. Good thing I never lost my deflators yet.
They stole the gloves so as not to leave fingerprints on the valve stems and the zippo for lighting their pipe with. At least they only took want they needed. 8)