Who's having ragtop daze??

Okay Twisted, I'm blonde I'll give you that! I didn't realize that the YJ had never ran. DUAHH. :shock: At least you have the other jeep right? 8) I'll pay more attention next time I swear!

I'm real happy mines back up.
RE: Re: Hello..........

If the top could come off, it would... For a Michigan spring, it's been great... Been in the upper 60s all week, the first half of the week, we hit 78... Insane weather for this time of year, I haven't had the windows up since last Saturday...

Course then again, we had people going topless when it hit 55... It was a COLD winter!

I like to take all the windows out.....and that's about it. The lower part of the half doors never gets removed.

In the summer, it's 90++ here and the humidity is like 1000%. The sun beating down on you at stoplights doesn't make the sweaty experience any better. I just take out the windows and enjoy the breeze when I'm out riding around town. If it's overcast, I'll pull it down----but rarely.

I guess the CJ kinda goes topless because all I have for it is a hardtop, but it still wears a bikini top.
RE: Pit Bull Rocker Tires

I'm with you, Junkpile. In the springtime, I'll pop off the lower half doors and drop the top for that full open air experience, but by the time summer gets here with 100+ degree days, the top goes back on minus the windows. I'll generally put the half doors on if it's really windy. For me, I can't stand it when there's a crosswind without the lower half doors. Seems to really make driving a pain, and I usually either get my glasses blown off or something in my eye or both. If it's fairly calm, I'll leave the bottoms off, but I still need that top to shade me from the Kansas sun. One of these days I might get a bikini top, but for now, I can't see much difference in the way I run mine and a bikini.
I'm with you, Sparky. I was pricing bikini's, safarai's, windjammers, and the back cover and started thinking "WHY?". With all the windows and doors off, you've essentially got a safari top (except for the two down pieces by the tailgate), so why spend all the money?? And the sun is great, but those rays do kill........especially if you're sittin' there in traffic somewhere. When I leave the pavement, I'll pop it down........that's good enough for me. But, again, I LOVE runnin' with the doors off.....closest thing to motorcycle ridin' you'll ever get on 4 wheels.

well i got the top off back in feb (and in canada too :shock: )
but since then rain... rain... and more rain.... but i guess its a good thing.. we had a really crappy winter so our water supply is realy low and we're told to have double the amount of forest fires this year :( which means fire ban :(

well camping next weekend hopfully while you can still have fires... hoppin to get the top off soon
RE: Re: This is TOO Creepy!!!

wahooo!!!!!!!!!!! took all the windows out today and the top top doors off. Now I feel just as cool as the rest of ya. literally im cold!!!!! unfortunetly it has now dopped to the mid 30's. Hope it doesnt rain :wink:

Man you all are different than me (junkpile and sparky). My favorite experiences in the jeep are those 95 degree 100% humidity days in the mid summer where I sit under the sun at stoplights and SIZZLE the whole time. I carry suntan lotion and bask in the sizzle. lol It does get hot though, you'd pretty much have to be a sun worshipper to understand that.

I will say in August when the temp pushes 100 and the humidity the same, then I do sometimes put the bikini top on because I have the tendancy to get heat stroke but I try to push it as far as I can with no tops or doors on.

It's it so nice is't springtime!
Yeah, but with my fair skin, I'm a magnet for UV rays and skin cancer. Already had a few spots of it removed a few years back.
In "Sunday-comin'-home-from-church" mode:


Note the new tires!!!!!!!

So far, so good - haven't really done much yet (just put 'em on yesterday). Took the Jeep up the "back way" to Cataloochee ski resort - there's a little, rutted, rocky stretch of road....maybe a quarter mile...gotta do it in 4Lo with my 4Banger. It's only about 2 miles from the house so I go up there often when the "urge" hits. The "Trailcutters" handled it better than the Revos ever did! I think I'm gonna like 'em! :D

Top and doors still off :D

I have also attached an ALF stuffed animal to the rollbar. (Actually it has been there since last summer)

I get a kick out of people who see it and smile and laugh...
RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Stuck line truck

Got my first Jeep 3 weeks ago. Had the top down a couple of times already. (Got a sunburned face to prove it!) Got a bikini top but waiting on the ridge to attatch it. Anyone know how I can leave the bikini top on and still put my soft top up and down?
What year is your Jeep?

My YJ's bikini top used the same bar in the front for attachment as the soft top did....so they could not be on at the same time.

Welcome by the way!!!!