which is worse


New member
Ive had a debate with a buddy of mine who used to drive a Jeep (it caught on fire). He makes fun of my jeep calling it a sissy jeep cause its a 4 banger (standard) when he drove a 6 cycl. I later found out his Jeep 6cycl was an automatic. So read the poll for my question

Anti Lock Brakes on a Jeep?

Where's the option to select 'TJ' :lol:
a sissy jeep (pj) is determined by the driver, and the driving style, certainly not how it is equipped... there are many many times i wish i had an automatic... but i love the control of my manual

Auto jeeps are not always pj's you know.Some really nice jeeps are auto's and are drivin' by some great drivers.Now I dont know your driving style,but you can still be prtty hard-core with 4cyl.Small mototr with big brains is better then big motor no-brains! 8) Sully
Hey guys, quit raggin on my jeep! :) just cuz its a 4banger auto dont mean its not a good jeep :) i do wish i had the 5speed, but i still love her. Miss the power from the old 300 straight six my ford truck had, but i still wouldnt get rid of the jeep for anything but another jeep.

Man, im glad my jeep cant hear you guys, she might cry! ;)


Oil Leak ? Low Oil PRessure

The transmission issue is weak.

Refer here - http://www.4wheeloffroad.com/techfaq/2819/index20.html

Why do ppl have 4 cyl jeeps. The only reason i can see not getting a 6 is gas mileage. Who worries about that when offroading? If you work more than 20 mile from home I see a reason to get a 4.

Price you say? Only matters if you go new (which is the wosrt investment you can make anyway). Check out these links that took me 5 min's to find.

4 banger -

6 banger -

The 6 may have more miles, but i guarentee it oulasts the 4 banger, which may go 110,000 before needin a engine rebuild.

richard w.
around here, a 6 cylinder is MUCH more than a 4 cylinder.. and the 4 cylinders are much more availible, because when people buy them new, they buy them for the image... and they want to go cheap too... so the 4 cylinders fill the streets faster, and if you go to buy used, there are many more there, and the rare 6 cyls are jacked up in price
I'll stick up for the 4cyl jeepers. Mine will keep up to the 6cyl while on the trails. Highway..... different story. But we all didn't buy jeeps to drive fast.
I never drove a 4 cyl stick other than my 86 saab (which I sold to get my jeep) and I never drove a 6cyl that was auto, ever. But my thought is it's better to have more power in the engine itself (even though automatic decreases HP to the rear) than have the fun or control with a stick. I base this on driving my 67 mustang that was an auto, but it also has a 289 V8. I would rather have it a stick but it doesn't mean I can't drive it like one, my passing gear is D2 :D and when you horse on it in D1 your head is thrown back, HARD. In the end, I'm a sucker for more power, and love a man. trans. That's why I held out for my YJ, a 6 cyl that's stick.
Don't matter what you have under the hood if you don't have that low end torque, that's what really matters when off roadin.

I am not a big fan of the automatic but I would rather have an auto anything jeep than most anything else on the trail that is not a jeep. There is alot of different jeeps made and there is alot of different kinds of folks to drive them so as long as you are happy with what you are in don't much matter what others think. Tug
I beg to differ on getting better gas mileage with a 4 cly. At least in my case I can get better mileage in the wifes Grande cherokee with a 5.2L than in my wrangler with the 2.5L. I guess if you lived in a flat area like west Texas and kept stock tires the 4 banger would be better on gas. And esspecially on the freeway I am hitting 3000 RPM's at 65 mph and 3500 RPM's at 70 mph. But as far as which is better, it all depends on what your pocket book can afford. just my .02


I was going to vote "Southern Illinois" Jeeps. But it wasn't an option.

:::Slaps Bounty:::

Back off the TJs
You all leave my auto alone. Personally i would have liked a stick but this one was an auto. It still can do whatever i ask it and that's just fine. Plus with the 6 i gotunder the hood it will still go. Sissy jeep. Now i have to go heer up my jeep. lol

the only time a 4 cylinder is more fuel efficient than a 6 cylinder is when it is idling... the 4 cylinders have a lower gearing and have to spin much faster than the 6 cylinders do in order to keep up... the 6 cylinders don't require you to keep the foot down to get places...

as far as the automatic robbing HP.... ok, maybe it will rob the HP... BUT... the autos have something that us manual drivers don't have... a torque converter... not only does it act as a clutch, but it is also capable of multiplying torque.... when you crawl with a manual... you have to keep your engine at a certain speed.. and if you have to move slow enough to where the engine has to run slow, there is nothing you can do in order to increase the torque to the ground.... but with a torque converter, you can crawl at .00000001 mph, and still have the rpms up enough for the engine to create torque, and the converter will convert that engine speed to a slow moving torque that is quite valuable in many situations