Wheres Laura?????


New member
I was just wondering if anyone has heard from her she hasnt been around lately. anyone else notice this? It cant be another gadget she loves it here... I think :?

Come to think of it... I haven't heard from her in a while.

Her last post was on the 6th, she's planning to go to paragon. I'm sure she's just busy.
What will I need to buy for a SPOA

I just checked my AIm buddy list and she is still online.I will ask her whats up a little later.

LOL! Here I am! :D You know what it was, I got a new video game and since I still don't have a job, my brain is melting away to unreal tournment 2004, and as I'm sure you know the RAIN we've been having. So, I sit here and play video games.

Not to mention all the Paragon stuff! And, a wicked good friend of mine has needed me for the past few weeks, not to mention another friend moved back home from TX, and I'v been hanging out with him because I havent seen him in years, and I'm wicked psyched he's home.
I havent been doing much else...

I am flattered :mrgreen:
man i'm gonna stop posting for a few days next time i feel like being flattered. this place is going to turn into a conspiracy theorist's haven if we keep thinking people are missing.

Jeep fixed

HAHA, well you were "missing" for a few days when people refused to read any threads you had posted in because of your gigantic signature pictures. but that doesnt count. dont become a conpiracy theorist on me mingez!
bchcky said:
HAHA, well you were "missing" for a few days when people refused to read any threads you had posted in because of your gigantic signature pictures. but that doesnt count. dont become a conpiracy theorist on me mingez!


Careful, I have a 10mb gif I might upload in a second!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

You got rain? we had nothing but sun all weekend here on the north shore! SUCKA!
Glad to hear your ok laura sorry to cause a comotion.
I know mingez is never missing he's always by the computer waiting to help me out with something outragious :lol:
Laura I almost turned my house upside down looking for your #!!!!!!
Rubicon Express greasable shackles

awe, it's ok. I'm glad to know that because I wasn't able to get here, you were still thinking of me.
i'll pm you my number again..just incase..

john..yeah ok. :? :lol:

my flowers are gonna be way preetier (i like to make up words, that word is pretty-er)