Where do you store your hard top?


New member

I do not have a garage so I have to ask and beg people to let me use some space in their garage to store my top. I was wondering what other people do if they do not have a garage. :-D [addsig]


basement. I've stored my mud tires in my living room for a few months before mom said "hey..that looks to.....strange" So..a living room is a good as a place as any for a hard top[addsig]

Wow! The living room, huh? My wife would choke the life out of me! Maybe I'll put it on her side of the bed! :lol: [addsig]

roll over and see the hard top.."THATS IT!"..ohhh. I got it! put it in the living room or dining room sit it down, but a block of wood under the part where the driver would sit..toss a table cloth on top. nobody would know a thing..put some pictures and some plants on it..good until winter[addsig]


I ve got the perfect item for this Houst a top Uses a pulley and a come a long with a 3 arm bracket . It lifts your top and suspends it from the ceiling. I got mine from JC Whitney. It cost $130. You could make one for less if inclined to do so. It does work pretty good I must say. The come a long isnt the best though I thinking of replacing it with a trailer winch.[addsig]

I think the tablecloth, pictures and plant idea works best. You even save the cost of a dining room table to boot.

...GOD this movie is stupid...I'm sorry, I digress... but why is it hard to stop watching some stupid movies as stupid as they are?? Maybe I'm wondering how stupd its going to get.

Anyway, we were talking tops....before I got a Jeep, I wanted a hard top but then I got a softtop just to not have to deal with the hassle since you Ican fold it up and keep it virtually anywhere. But I guess that doesn't help you does it. Table cloth, pictures...put a goot picture of you and your wife or girlfriend up and she'll be so enamoured with the picture, she'll never notice the "table".

...there is a God!! This movie is going off. But then again the remote is and has always been 2 feet away. I'm going to bed.

edited by: phillika, Apr 12, 2003 - 01:05 AM[addsig]

Well that is a good question a this will be my 1st summer needing to deal with that problem. I just bought the top in late fall. I guess it will be a fixture in my office at the Auction House this summer. tug[addsig]


ayep see Jeep#3 if you don't have an auction house..then you can always get a cheap table cloth.[addsig]

convert your bed to an enclosed sleeping area with it... then you'll really be living the lifestyle[addsig]

I know this doesn't help if you dont have a garage but if you have any place to hang 4 tie-down straps i.e. carport, tree, etc. I take my top off and just drive out from under it. This way taking it off and putting on is a 1 person job.[addsig]


I bought my jeep back in August. It had the soft top on so I just set the hard top in my yard next to my porch and covered it with a tarp. Guess I'll do the same this year as I have no where else to put it. Also on that note they are talking 70 degrees here by tuesday so I think its coming off this week :-D [addsig]

Yeah, not having a garage sucks for a few reasons. Not only do you have to find somewhere to store your hard top, but I hate having to put my soft top on overnight, ya know? I live in an apartment, downtown, so I don't really want to leave everything open. I want to just leave the top and doors off all summer, but there is no way I'm going to do that until I have a garage. So, I am lucky enough to have a dad who is enthusiastic about my jeep, so I can take it to his garage and he has a pully system in the rafters. You really can just drive out from under it, and you're good to go. Pretty cool. However, if I lived too far away to do this, I'd probably just rent storage space and leave my hard top there. Maybe you could try that? I hate to break it to you, but I don't think your girl is going to go for the jeep hard top dining room table... [addsig]

There's always the negotiation avenue. Here's an idea: You leave the toilet seat down at all times in exchange for a unique dining room set handcrafted (well, sorta) to look exactly like a Jeep Hard Top. Such a clever and eclectic design will undoubtedly be the subject of conversation at dinner parties...

If this and all other negotiations fail, you may have to resort to leaving it outdoors on blocks (hopefully in a reasonably secure area).[addsig]


Hey Tug!!! How did you get my pic on your signature????[addsig]

Your pics on my sig! I,ll never tell. As for the Top it would make a great summer home for your dog's. set it up on blocks in the back yard and wa la a very expencive dog house. hehehe Tug[addsig]

Phillika i like where yer going..and your spare set of mud tires can become seats. so its like ohh..not only do you get a jeep to boot, but you get a dining set. Jeep. they think of everything[addsig]