What will you do, when it is....


New member

Rayovacs' post on the pledge,,,
I respect each of your thoughts.

What will you do when it's your
turn to answer the questions posed
our community now? And how do
we respond to those who would

It's not MY: kid

It's not MY: family

It's not MY: church

It's not MY: God

It's not MY: gun
It's not MY: school
It's not MY: state
It's not MY: language

It's not MY: Country ?
It's not MY: fight
It's not MY: life / death / Freedom ?
It's not MY: fault ?

it seems, anymore, it's no one's fault.
.. yet, It will be soon...



I agree with you...there seems to be a complete lack of accountability and responsibility in modern culture. I don't know if it has always been like this...or if the elders of the community are correct in their assessment of the younger generation's defiant, often militant attitude. Time for all to act like what we all wanted to be as a kid...an adult...and accept the terms that accompany that status.[addsig]